Metric spaces and complex analysis paper 2020
- Let $X$ and $Y$ be two metric spaces with metrics $d_X$ and $d_Y$ respectively.
- State the definition that the metric space $X$ is compact, and the definition that $X$ is connected.
- State the definition that a function $f: X β Y$ is continuous.
- Suppose $f: X β Y$ is continuous, and suppose $X$ is compact. Show that $f(X)$ is compact, where $f(X)=\{f(x): x β X\}$.
- Suppose $f: X β Y$ is continuous and onto, and suppose $Y$ is compact. Is $X$ necessarily compact?
- Let $(X, d)$ be a metric space. Define
Ο(x, y)=\frac{d(x, y)}{1+d(x, y)} β \text { for } x, y β X
- Show that $Ο$ is a metric on $X$.
- Show that a sequence $a_n β X$ (where $\left.n=1,2, β¦\right)$ is a Cauchy sequence in $(X, d)$ if and only if $a_n(n=1,2, β¦)$ is a Cauchy sequence in $(X, Ο)$.
- Show that a subset $U β X$ is open in $(X, d)$, if and only if $U$ is open in $(X, Ο)$.
- Let $β_β$ be the vector space of all bounded sequences $x=\left(x_k\right)_{k β©Ύ 1}$ of complex numbers. Define
d(x, y)=\sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} \frac{\left|x_k-y_k\right|}{1+\left|x_k-y_k\right|}
for $x=\left(x_k\right)_{k β©Ύ 1} β β_β$ and $y=\left(y_k\right)_{k β©Ύ 1} β β_β$.
- Show that $d$ is a metric on $β_β$.
- Let $A$ be the collection of all sequences $\left(x_k\right)_{k β©Ύ 1}$ of complex numbers such that $x_k=0$ for all but for finitely many $k β β$. Show that $A β β_β$ and show that $A$ is dense in $\left(β_β, d\right)$, that is $U β© A β β
$ for any non-empty open subset $U$ of $β_β$.
- For each $n=1,2, β―$, let $x^{(n)}=\left(x_1^{(n)}, x_2^{(n)}, β¦\right)$ be an element of $\left(β_β, d\right)$. Show that $x^{(1)}, x^{(2)}, β¦$ is a Cauchy sequence in $\left(β_β, d\right)$ if and only if for each $k=1,2, β―$, the sequence $\left(x_k^{(n)}\right)_{n β©Ύ 1}$ is a Cauchy sequence of numbers.
- Let $T, S$ be two mappings from $β_β$ to $β_β$ defined as follows. For $a=\left(a_1, a_2, β―\right) β β_β$, let $T(a)$ be the sequence $\left(a_2, a_3, β―\right)$, and $S(a)$ be the sequence $\left(0, a_1, a_2, β―\right)$. Show that $T$ is not a contraction mapping. Is $S$ a contraction mapping? What are the fixed points of $S$ and $T$ respectively?
- State the definition that a metric space is path-connected. Show that a path-connected metric space must be connected.
- Determine which of the following sets are path-connected.
- The subset of $β$ :
\{x β[0,1]: x \text { is rational}\}
- The subset of $β^2$ :
\left\{(x, y) β β^2: x y>1 \text { and } x>1\right\} βͺ\left\{(x, y) β β^2: x y β©½ 1 \text { and } x β©½ 1\right\} .
- The subset of $β^3$ :
\left\{(x, y, z) β β^3: x^2+y^2 β©½ z\right\} βͺ\left\{(x, y, z) β β^3: x^2+y^2+z^2>3\right\} .
- The subset of $β^2$ :
\left\{(x, y) β β^2: 0 β©½ x<1\right\} βͺ\{(x, 0): 1<x<2\} .
- Let $(X, d)$ be a metric space. For two non-empty subsets $A, B β X$, define the distance between them by
d(A, B)=\inf \{d(x, y): x β A, y β B\} .
- Show that $d(A, B)=0$ if $A β© B β β
$. Is the converse necessarily true for closed non-empty subsets; that is, if $A, B β X$ are closed and $A β© B=β
$, must one have $d(A, B)>0$?
- Let $A β X$ be non-empty and compact, $x β X$ but $x β A$. Show that $d(A,\{x\})=d(x, y)$ for some $y β A$, and conclude that $d(A,\{x\})>0$. Distance between Disjoint Compact Set and Closed Set in Metric Space is Positive
- Let $A β X$ be non-empty. Show that the closure $\bar{A}$ of $A$ is
\{x β X: d(A,\{x\})=0\}
- Let $A β β^2$ be non-empty. Show that $A$ is compact if and only if every continuous function $f: A β β$ is bounded above and attains its maximum at some point of $A$.
- State Morera's Theorem.
- Suppose that $D$ is a domain containing the closed unit disc, $f$ is a complex-valued function on $D$ and $\left(f_n\right)_{n=1}^β$ is a sequence of holomorphic functions on $D$ that converges uniformly to $f$.
- Prove that $f$ is holomorphic on $D$.
- Let the contour $Ξ³$ be the positively oriented unit circle. For $\left|z_0\right|<1$, write down Cauchy's Integral Formula for the $k$ th derivative $f^{(k)}\left(z_0\right)$ in terms of an integral of $f$ around $Ξ³$
- Prove that for every $k β©Ύ 1$ and every $z$ in the open unit disc $D(0,1)$ we have $f_n^{(k)}(z) βf^{(k)}(z)$ as $n β β$.
Prove further that if $r<1$ then the convergence is uniform on the disc $D(0, r)$.
- Is there a sequence $p_n(z)$ of polynomials such that $p_n(z) β 1 / z$ uniformly on $\{z:{|z|}=1\} ?$
- Define $n^{-z}=\exp (-z \log n)$. Prove that
\sum_{n=1}^β n^{-z}
converges to a holomorphic function on $\{z β β: β(z)>1\}$, where $β(z)$ denotes the real part of $z$.
[You may use standard convergence tests, provided that you state them clearly.]
- State Laurent's Theorem about expansions of holomorphic functions in an annulus
A=\{z: R<|z-a|<S\}
where $0 β©½ R<S$.
- Let $f$ be a complex-valued function on a domain $D$ and let $a β D$. Explain what is meant by the following statements:
- $f$ has a removable singularity at $a$;
- $f$ has a pole of order $m$ at $a$;
- $f$ has an essential singularity at $a$.
- Find and classify the singularities of the following functions:
f(z)=\frac{(z-1)^2 \sin z}{z(z-a)^3}
where $a β β$;
g(z)=\frac{\cot (Ο / z)}{z}
- The Bessel functions $J_n(w)$, for $n=0,1,2, β¦$, form a sequence of functions satisfying the identity
\exp \left(\frac{w}{2}\left(z-\frac{1}{z}\right)\right)=\sum_{n=0}^β J_n(w) z^n
for $z, w β 0$.
- Show that
J_0(w)=\sum_{k=0}^β(-1)^k \frac{w^{2 k}}{(k !)^2 4^k}
- Show that
J_n(w)=\frac{1}{2 Ο} β«_{-Ο}^Ο \cos (w \sin ΞΈ-n ΞΈ) d ΞΈ
- Let $U β β$ be an open set. Suppose that $f: U β β$ is continuous and let $Ξ³:[a, b] β U$ be a contour in $U$. Define the contour integral $β«_Ξ³ f(z) \mathrm{d} z$.
- Define the residue of a function $f$ at a point $a$. State Cauchy's Residue Theorem.
- Evaluate the integral
β«_{-β}^β \frac{\cos (k x)}{(x+b)^2+a^2} \mathrm{~d} x
where $k>0, a>0$ and $b$ is a real number.
- Show that, for $t β(-1,1)$,
β«_0^β \frac{x^t}{x^2+1} \mathrm{~d} x=\frac{Ο}{2 \cos (Ο t / 2)}
[Hint: Consider a keyhole contour on $ββ[0, β)$.]
- Let $D=\{z β β:{|z|}<1\}$ be the unit disc, and $H=\{z β β: β z>0\}$ the upper half plane.
- Let $R β β$ be a domain; that is, $R$ is open and connected.
- Let $f: R β β$ be holomorphic on $R$. State a condition for $f$ to be conformal on $R$.
- Suppose $f: R β β$ is one-to-one, holomorphic and conformal on $R$, and suppose its range $G=f(R)$ is open. Show that its inverse function $f^{-1}: G β β$ is also conformal.
- Is there any holomorphic bijection $f: H β D$?
- Is there any non-constant holomorphic function $f: β β H$ ?
- Let
R_1=\{z β β:{|z-2|}<2 \text { and }{|z-3|}>1\}
Find a conformal one-to-one and onto mapping from $R_1$ to $H$.
- Let
R_2=\{z β β:{|z-i|}<2 \text { and } β z>0\} .
Find a conformal one-to-one and onto mapping from $R_2$ to $D$.

- $X$ is compact if for every open cover $\left\{U_Ξ±\right\}$ of $X$, i.e. $U_Ξ±$ are open and $β_Ξ± U_Ξ± β X$, there is a finite sub-cover, that is, there are finite many $Ξ±_1, β―, Ξ±_N$ (for some $N β β$), $β_{i=1}^N U_{Ξ±_i} β X$.
$X$ is connected, if $X=U βͺ V$, where $U, V$ are open and disjoint: $U β© V=β
$, then $U=X$ or β
(so similarly $V=β
\text{ or }X$).
- $f: X β Y$ is continuous if for every open set $V β Y, f^{-1}(V)$ is open in $X$. [Equivalent definitions are acceptable too]
- Let $\left\{V_Ξ±\right\}$ be an open cover of $f(X)$, since $f: X β Y$ is continuous, $U_Ξ±=f^{-1}\left(V_Ξ±\right)$ is open in $X$. Since $β_Ξ± V_Ξ± β f(X)$, for every $x β X, f(x) βf(X) β β_Ξ± V_Ξ±$. Hence there is $Ξ±$ such that $f(x) β V_Ξ±$, which implies that $x β U_Ξ±$. Therefore $\left\{U_Ξ±\right\}$ is an open cover of $X$. Since $X$ is compact, so there are finite many $Ξ±_1, β―, Ξ±_N$ such that $β_{i=1}^N U_{Ξ±_i} β X$. Then by definition, $β_{i=1}^N V_{Ξ±_i} β f(X)$, $\left\{V_{Ξ±_1}, β―, V_{Ξ±_N}\right\}$ is a finite sub-cover of $f(X)$, so that $f(X)$ is compact.
- Let $X=β$ and $Y=[-1,1], f(x)=\sin x$ is continuous and onto from $X$ to $Y$, but $X$ is not compact.
- $Ο(x, y) β₯ 0, Ο(x, y)=Ο(y, x)$ are clear. Also
Ο(x, y)=\frac{d(x, y)}{1+d(x, y)}=0
is equivalent to that $d(x, y)=0$ so is equivalent to that $x=y$. To show the triangle inequality we use the following elementary inequality: for $s β₯ 0$ and $t β₯ 0$
\frac{s}{1+s}+\frac{t}{1+t}=\frac{s+t+2 s t}{1+s+t+s t} β₯ \frac{s+t+s t}{1+s+t+s t} β₯ \frac{s+t}{1+s+t}
or via the equality
\frac{s}{1+s}+\frac{t}{1+t}-\frac{s+t}{1+s+t}=\frac{s t(s+t+2)}{(1+s+t)(1+s+t+s t)} β₯ 0
so by setting $s=d(x, y)$ and $t=d(y, z)$ to obtain that
Ο(x, y)+Ο(y, z) & =\frac{d(x, y)}{1+d(x, y)}+\frac{d(y, z)}{1+d(y, z)} β₯ \frac{d(x, y)+d(y, z)}{1+d(x, y)+d(y, z)} \\
& β₯ \frac{d(x, z)}{1+d(x, z)} β₯ Ο(x, z)
which shows that $Ο$ is a metric on $X$.
- Since, by definition, $Ο(x, y) β€ d(x, y)$, hence if $\left\{a_n\right\}$ is a Cauchy sequence with respect $d$, so is with respect $Ο$. Conversely, suppose $\left\{a_n\right\}$ is Cauchy with respect to $Ο$, by definition $Ο\left(a_n, a_m\right) β 0$ as $n, m β β$, hence for every $Ξ΅>0$, there is $N$ such that
Ο\left(a_n, a_m\right)<\frac12\min \{Ξ΅, 1\} β \text { for } n, m β₯ N .
d\left(a_n, a_m\right)=\frac{Ο\left(a_n, a_m\right)}{1-Ο\left(a_n, a_m\right)}β€\frac{Ο\left(a_n, a_m\right)}{1-\frac12}=2 Ο\left(a_n, a_m\right)<Ξ΅ β \text { for } n, m β₯ N
so by definition, $\left\{a_n\right\}$ is Cauchy with respect to $d$.
- Suppose $U$ is open in $(X, d)$, then for every $a β U$, there is $Ξ΅>0$ such that the open ball in $(X, d)$
\{x β X: d(x, a)<Ξ΅\} β U
Let $Ξ΄=\frac{1}{2} \min \{Ξ΅, 1\}$. If $Ο(x, a)<Ξ΄$, then
d(x, a)=\frac{Ο(x, a)}{1-Ο(x, a)} β€ 2 Ο(x, a)<Ξ΅
which implies that
\{x β X: Ο(x, a)<Ξ΄\} β\{x β X: d(x, a)<Ξ΅\} β U .
By definition, $U$ is open in $(X, Ο)$.
Conversely, if $U$ is open in $(X, Ο)$, then for every $a β U$ there is $Ξ΅>0$ such that $\{x β X: Ο(x, a)<Ξ΅\} β U$. Since $Ο β€ d$ we must have
\{x β X: d(x, a)<Ξ΅\} β\{x β X: Ο(x, a)<Ξ΅\} β U
and therefore $U$ is open in $(X, d)$.
- $d$ is a metric on $β_β$ because it is clearly nonnegative and symmetric, and as in part (b)
d(x, y)+d(y, z) & =\sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^k}\left(\frac{\left|x_k-y_k\right|}{1+\left|x_k-y_k\right|}+\frac{\left|y_k-z_k\right|}{1+\left|y_k-z_k\right|}\right) \\
& β₯ \sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} \frac{\left|x_k-z_k\right|}{1+\left|x_k-z_k\right|}=d(x, z)
so the triangle inequality holds. Therefore $d$ is a metric on $β_β$.
- Any finite sequence of numbers must be bounded, so $A β β_β$. Let $a=\left(a_k\right) β U$. Then there is $Ξ΅>0$ such that $\left\{x β β_β: d(x, a)<Ξ΅\right\} β U$.
Choose $N$ such that $\sum_{k=N+1}^β \frac{1}{2^k}<Ξ΅$ and $x_k=a_k$ for $k=1, β―, N$ and $x_k=0$ for $k β₯ N+1$. Then $x=\left(x_k\right) β A$, and
d(x, a)=\sum_{k=N+1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} \frac{\left|a_k\right|}{1+\left|a_k\right|} β€ \sum_{k=N+1}^β \frac{1}{2^k}<Ξ΅
so that $x β U$ and therefore $A β© U β β
- Suppose $x^{(n)}=\left(x_k^{(n)}\right)_{k β₯ 1}$ (where $n=1,2, β―$) is a Cauchy sequence in $\left(β_β, d\right)$, then for every $k=1,2, β―$
0 β€ \frac{\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|}{1+\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|} β€ 2^k d\left(x^{(n)}, x^{(m)}\right) β 0
as $n, m β β$. By part (b)(ii), $\left\{x_k^{(n)}\right\}_{n β₯ 1}$ is Cauchy in β.
Conversely suppose $\left\{x_k^{(n)}\right\}_{n β₯ 1}$ is Cauchy in β for every $k$. Let $Ξ΅>0$. Since $\sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^k}<β$, there is $M$ such that $\sum_{k=M+1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} β€ \fracΞ΅{2}$. Now for each $k$, since $\left\{x_k^{(n)}\right\}_{n β₯ 1}$ is Cauchy, there is an $N_k$, such that
\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|<\fracΞ΅{2} β \text { for any } n, m β₯ N_k
Let $N=\max \left\{N_1, β―, N_M\right\}$. Then for $n, m β₯ N$ we have\begin{aligned}
d\left(x^{(n)}, x^{(m)}\right) & =\sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} \frac{\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|}{1+\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|}\\& β€ \sum_{k=1}^M \frac{1}{2^k} \frac{\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|}{1+\left|x_k^{(n)}-x_k^{(m)}\right|}+\sum_{k=M+1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} \\
& <\sum_{k=1}^M \frac{1}{2^k} \fracΞ΅{2}+\fracΞ΅{2}<Ξ΅
so $\left\{x^{(n)}\right\}$ is Cauchy sequence in $\left(β_β, d\right)$.
- Suppose $a=\left(a_k\right), b=\left(b_k\right) β β_β$, then
d(T(a), T(b))=\sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^k} \frac{\left|a_{k+1}-b_{k+1}\right|}{1+\left|a_{k+1}-b_{k+1}\right|}=2 \sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^{k+1}} \frac{\left|a_{k+1}-b_{k+1}\right|}{1+\left|a_{k+1}-b_{k+1}\right|} .
Thus if $a_1=b_1=0$, then
d(T(a), T(b))=2 d(a, b)
so $T$ is not a contraction. If $T(a)=a$, if and only if $a=\left(a_1, a_1, β―\right)$ is a constant sequence.
On the other hand,
d(S(a), S(b))=\sum_{k=1}^β \frac{1}{2^{k+1}} \frac{\left|a_k-b_k\right|}{1+\left|a_k-b_k\right|}=\frac{1}{2} d(a, b)
so $S$ is a contraction mapping. Hence $S$ has a unique fixed point $(0,0, β―)$.
- A metric space $X$ is path-connected, if for every $x, y β X$, there is a continuous path $p:[0,1] β X$ such that $p(0)=x$ and $p(1)=y$.
Suppose $X$ is path-connected, and suppose $X=U βͺ V$ where $U$ and $V$ are open and disjoint. If both $U, V$ are non-empty, take $x β U$ and $y β V$. Since $X$ is path-connected, there is a continuous mapping $p:[0,1] β X$ such that $p(0)=x$ and $p(1)=y$. Then $[0,1]=p^{-1}(U) βͺ p^{-1}(V)$, both $p^{-1}(U)$ and $p^{-1}(V)$ are open, disjoint and non-empty as $0 β p^{-1}(U)$ and $1 β p^{-1}(V)$, which contradicts to the fact that $[0,1]$ is connected.
- $A$ is not path-connected. if a continuous function $p:[0,1] β β$ satisfies that $p(0)=0$ and $p(1)=1$, then it attains any value between 0 and 1, such as $\sqrt{2} / 2$ which does not belong to $A$, so $p$ can not be a continuous path in $A$.
- The subset $B$ is path-connected. Any point in
\left\{(x, y) β β^2: x y>1 \text { and } x>1\right\}
can be connected to $(1,1) β B$ by a straight line, and any point $(x, y)$ with $x>0$ in
\left\{(x, y) β β^2: x y β€ 1 \text { and } x β€ 1\right\}
can be connected to the curve $\{(x, y): x y=1,0<x β€ 1\}$ hence connected by continuous path to $(1,1)$. Any $(x, y) β B$ with $x β€ 0$ can be connected to $(1,1)$ by a straight line, so $B$ is path-connected.
- $C$ is path-connected, as any two points in the set $C$ can be connected by straight line to for example $(0,0,3)$.
- The subset $D$ is not connected, so not path-connected. In fact, let
U=\left\{(x, y) β β^2: x<1\right\} β© D
V=\{(x, y): 1<x<2\} β© D .
Then both $U$ and $V$ are open in $D$, disjoint, and non-empty, and $D=U βͺ V$.
- If there is a point $x β A β© B$, then $d(A, B) β€ d(x, x)=0$ so $d(A, B)=0$. For disjoint closed $A$ and $B$, it is not necessary to have $d(A, B)>0$. For example, $A=\{(x, y): x y=1\}$ and $B=\{(x, 0): x β₯ 0\}$. Then both $A$ and $B$ are closed disjoint subsets of $β^2$, and $d(A, B)=0$.
- By definition $\{d(a, x): a β A\}$ is bounded below and non-empty, so $d(A,\{x\})$ exists. For every $n$, there is $a_n β A$ such that
d(A,\{x\}) β€ d\left(a_n, x\right) β€ d(A,\{x\})+\frac{1}{n}
for every $n=1,2, β―$. Since $A$ compact metric space, so it is sequential compact so there is a convergent sub-sequence say $a_{n_k}$ such that $a_{n_k} β a$. Then $a β A$ so $x β a$, and moreover
d(A,\{x\})=\lim_{k β β} d\left(a_{n_k}, x\right)=d(a, x)>0 .
- By definition, $\bar{A}$ is defined to be the least closed set which contains $A$, that is $\bar{A}=β©\{F: F$ is closed and $F β A\}$. Consider $f(x)=d(A,\{x\})$.
d(A,\{x\}) & =\inf \{d(a, x): a β A\} β€ \inf \{d(a, y)+d(x, y): a β A\} \\
& =\inf \{d(a, y): a β A\}+d(x, y) \\
& =d(A,\{y\})+d(x, y)
and similarly
d(A,\{y\}) β€ d(A,\{x\})+d(x, y)
The previous two inequalities together imply that
{|f(x)-f(y)|} β€ d(x, y)
for every $x, y β X$. In particular $f$ is continuous on $X$, so that $\{x β X: d(A,\{x\})=0\}$ is closed, and contains $A$ as $f(x)=0$ for $x β A$. Suppose $F β A$ is closed. If $d(A,\{x\})=0$, and $x β A$, then by definition for every $Ξ΅>0$ there is $a_Ξ΅ β A$ such that $d\left(a_Ξ΅, x\right)<Ξ΅$, that is $(Aβ\{x\}) β© B(x, Ξ΅) β β
$, Since $F^c$ is open and $A β© F^c=β
$, hence $x β F^c$ and therefore $x β F$, that is
\{x β X: d(A,\{x\})=0\} β F .
Therefore by definition
\bar{A}=\{x β X: d(A,\{x\})=0\}
- By Heine-Borel theorem, $A β β^2$ is compact if and only if $A$ is closed and bounded.
Conversely, suppose any continuous function $f$ is bounded above and $f(A)$ has a maximum. Suppose $A$ is not compact, then by Heine-Borel theorem, $A$ is unbounded or not closed. If $A$ is unbounded, then there is a sequence $x_n$ such that $\left|x_n\right| β β$. But $f(x)={|x|}$ is continuous on $A$ and is not bounded above, which is a contradiction. If $A$ is not closed but bounded, then there is a sequence $a_n β A$, such that $a_n β a$ but $a β A$. Consider the function
which is continuous on $A$, but not bounded above, also a contradiction.
- Morera's Theorem: Let $U$ be an open subset of $β$. Suppose that $f: U β β$ is continuous function such that for every closed path $Ξ³:[a, b] β U$ we have $β«_Ξ³ f(z) d z=0$. Then $f$ is holomorphic.
- Each $f_n$ is continuous and so $f$ is continuous on $D$ by uniform convergence. For any contour $Ξ³$ in $D$, uniform convergence implies that, as $n β β$,
β«_Ξ³ f_n(z) d z β β«_Ξ³ f(z) d z
But $β«_Ξ³ f_n(z) d z=0$ by Cauchy's Theorem, and so $β«_Ξ³ f(z) d z=0$. By Morera's Theorem, $f$ is holomorphic.
- $$
f^{(k)}\left(z_0\right)=\frac{1}{2 Ο i} β«_Ξ³ \frac{f(z)}{\left(z-z_0\right)^{k+1}} d z
- It is enough to prove the second part. If $\left|z_0\right|<r$ then $\left|z-z_0\right|>1-r$, and so by the Estimation Theorem
\left|f_n^{(k)}\left(z_0\right)-f^{(k)}\left(z_0\right)\right| &=\left|\frac{1}{2 Ο i} β«_Ξ³ \frac{f_n(z)-f(z)}{\left(z-z_0\right)^{k+1}} d z\right| \\
&β€ \frac{\sup_{|z|=1} \left|f_n(z)-f(z)\right|}{(1-r)^{k+1}},
as $Ξ³$ has length $2 Ο$. So
\sup_{|z|<r}\left|f_n^{(k)}\left(z_0\right)-f^{(k)}\left(z_0\right)\right| β€ \frac{\sup_{|z|=1} \left|f_n(z)-f(z)\right|}{(1-r)^{k+1}},
which tends to 0 as $n β β$. So $f_n^{(k)}$ converges uniformly to $f^{(k)}$ on $\{|z|<r\}$.
- Suppose that $p_n(z) β 1 / z$ uniformly on the unit circle. Let $Ξ³$ trace the positively oriented unit circle. Then $β«_g p_n(z) d z=0$ for each $n$, while $β«_Ξ³(1 / z) d z=2 Ο i$. By uniform convergence, $β«_Ξ³ p_n(z) d x ββ«_Ξ³(1 / z) d z$, which gives a contradiction.
- Note first that if $z=x+i y$ then $\left|n^{-z}\right|=|\exp (-(x+i y) \log n)|=n^{-x}$. For $t>1$, consider the half-plane $H_t:=\{x+i y: x>t\}:$ then $\left|n^{-z}\right| β€ n^{-t}$ for all $z β H_t$.
Now the Weierstrass M-Test states that if $\sum M_n$ is a convergent series of nonnegative numbers and $\left(f_n\right)$ is a sequence of continuous functions on a domain $D$ such that $\left|f_n(z)\right| β€ M_n$ for all $n$ and all $z β D$ then $\sum f_n$ converges uniformly on $\bar{D}$. Applying this with $M_n=n^{-t}$, we see that $\sum n^{-z}$ converges uniformly on $H_t$. Since each summand is holomorphic on $H_t$, part (b) implies that $\sum n^{-z}$ is holomorphic on $H_t$. It follows that the sum is holomorphic on $β_{t>1} H_t$, which is $H_1$, as required.
- If $f$ is holomorphic on the annulus $R<|z-a|<S$ then, for $z$ in the annulus,
f(z)=\sum_{n=-β}^{β} c_n(z-a)^n,
where, for $r β(R, S)$,
c_n=\frac{1}{2 Ο i} β«_Ξ³ \frac{f(w)}{(w-a)^{n+1}} d w
and $Ξ³=Ξ³(a, r)$.
- Suppose $f$ is holomorphic on the punctured disc $D^{\prime}(a, r)$, for some $r>0$. Let $\sum_{n=-β}^{β} a_n(z-a)^n$ be the Laurent expansion of $f$ around $a$. Then $f$ has a removable singularity if $a_n=0$ for $n<0$; $f$ has a pole of order $n$ if $a_{-n} β 0$ and $a_k=0$ for all $k<-n$; and $f$ has an essential singularity if there are infinitely many $k<0$ such that $a_k β 0$.
- For $a=0$ there is a pole of order $4-1=3$ at 0.
For $a=1$ there is a simple pole at $z=1$ and a removable singularity at $z=0$ (as $z$ and $\sin z$ have a simple zero there).
For $a=n Ο$, where $n$ is a nonzero integer: there is a removable singularity at $z=0$ and a double pole at $z=a$.
For any other $a$ : there is a removable singularity at $z=0$ and a triple pole at $z=a$.
- $\cot (z)=\cos (z) / \sin (z)$ has a simple pole whenever $\sin (z)$ has a zero, i.e. at all $n Ο, n β β€$. Thus $\cot (Ο / z) / z$ has a simple pole whenever $z$ is of form $1 / n$, for $n$ a nonzero integer. Additionally, there is a nonisolated singularity at $z=0$, as this is a limit point of singularities.
We have
\exp \left(\frac{w}{2}\left(z-\frac{1}{z}\right)\right) &=\exp \left(\frac{w z}{2}\right) \exp \left(-\frac{w}{2 z}\right) \\
&=\sum_{n=0}^{β} \frac{w^n}{2^n n !} z^n \sum_{n=0}^{β}(-1)^n \frac{w^n}{2^n n !} z^{-n}
The two series converge absolutely for $z β 0$, so we may rearrange and collect the terms with $z^0$ to obtain:
J_0(w)=\sum_{n=0}^{β}(-1)^n \frac{w^{2 n}}{4^n n !^2}
- Let $Ξ³$ trace the unit circle with positive orientation. Then, by Laurent's Theorem, and taking $z=e^{i ΞΈ}$,
J_n(w) &=\frac{1}{2 Ο i} β«_Ξ³ \exp \left(\frac{w}{2}\left(z-\frac{1}{z}\right)\right) \frac{d z}{z^{n+1}} \\
&=\frac{1}{2 Ο i} β«_{-Ο}^Ο \exp \left(\frac{w}{2}\left(e^{i ΞΈ}-e^{-i ΞΈ}\right)\right) \frac{i e^{i ΞΈ}}{e^{i(n+1) ΞΈ}} d ΞΈ \\
&=\frac{1}{2 Ο} β«_{-Ο}^Ο e^{-i(n ΞΈ-w \sin ΞΈ)} d ΞΈ \\
&=\frac{1}{2 Ο} β«_{-Ο}^Ο \cos (-n ΞΈ+w \sin ΞΈ)+i \sin (-n ΞΈ+w \sin ΞΈ) d ΞΈ
Since $-n ΞΈ+w \sin ΞΈ$ is odd, $\sin (-n ΞΈ+w \sin ΞΈ)$ is also odd, and so the integral is equal to
\frac{1}{2 Ο} β«_{-Ο}^Ο \cos (-n ΞΈ+w \sin ΞΈ) d ΞΈ .
- $β«_Ξ³ f(z) d z=β«_a^b f(Ξ³(t)) Ξ³^{\prime}(t) d t$.
- The residue of $f$ at $a$ is the coefficient $c_{-1}$ in the Laurent expansion of $f$ around $a$.
Residue Theorem: Let $f$ be holomorphic inside and on a closed, positively oriented contour $Ξ³$ except at a finite number of poles $a_1, β¦, a_n$. Then
β«_Ξ³ f(z) d z=2 Ο i \sum_{i=1}^n \operatorname{res}\left(f ; a_i\right) .
- Consider the function
f(z)=\frac{\exp (i k z)}{(x+b)^2+a^2} .
We use a semicircular contour $Ξ³$ :
The function $f$ has simple poles at $-b Β± i a$, of which $-b+i a$ lies inside the contour (for large enough $R$ ). The residue at $-b+i a$ is
\left.\frac{\exp (i k z)}{2(z+b)}\right|_{z=-b+i a}=\frac{\exp (-k a-i b k)}{2 a i} .
By Cauchy's Residue Theorem,
β«_g f(z) d z=Ο \exp (-k a-i b k) / a
which has real part $Ο \exp (-k a) \cos (b k) / a$.
Now the integral along $Ξ³_R$ converges to 0 as $R β β$, as $|\exp (i k z)| β€$ 1 in the upper half plane and so by the Estimation Theorem
\left|β«_{Ξ³_R} f(z) d z\right| β€ Ο R β
\frac{1}{(R-b)^2-a^2} β 0 .
The required integral is the real part of $\lim_{R β β} β«_{Ξ³_0} f(z) d z$ which equals $Ο \exp (-k a) \cos (b k) / a$.
- Let
and let $Ξ³$ be the following contour, where the outer circle has radius $R$, the inner circle has radius $Ο΅$, and the contours $Ξ³_{ Β±}$lie just above and below the axis:
We define a branch of the logarithm on $β \backslash[0, β)$ by $\log (z)=\log {|z|}+i \arg (z)$, where $\arg (z) β(0,2 Ο)$, and correspondingly $z^t=\exp ((t) \log (z)$.
The function $f$ has simple poles at $z= Β± i$, with residues
\left.\frac{z^t}{2 z}\right|_{z=i}=\frac{1}{2 i} \exp (i Ο t / 2)
\left.\frac{z^t}{2 z}\right|_{z=-i}=-\frac{1}{2 i} \exp (3 i Ο t / 2)
β«_Ξ³ f(z) d z &=2 Ο i\left(\frac{1}{2 i} \exp (i Ο t / 2)-\frac{1}{2 i} \exp (3 i Ο t / 2)\right) \\
&=Ο(\exp (i Ο t / 2)-\exp (3 i Ο t / 2)) .
Now on $Ο$, we have $|f(z)| β€ R^t /\left(R^2-1\right)$, and so by the Estimation Theorem
\left|β«_Ο f(z) d z\right| β€ 2 Ο R β
R^t /\left(R^2-1\right) \text {, }
which tends to 0 as $R β β$, as $t β(-1,1)$.
On $Ξ³_Ο΅$, for small $Ο΅$, we have $|f(z)| β€ 2 Ο΅^t$, and so again by the Estimation Theorem we get
\left|β«_{Ξ³_Ο΅} f(z) d z\right| β€ 2 Ο Ο΅ β
2 Ο΅^t=4 Ο Ο΅^{1+t}
which tends to 0 as $Ο΅ β 0$.
Finally, we have
β«_{Ξ³_+} f(z) d z+β«_{Ξ³_-} f(z) d z=\left(1-e^{2 Ο i t}\right) β«_Ο΅^R f(x) d x,
as Log has an extra $+2 Ο i$ on $Ξ³_-$, and we are integrating in the reverse direction.
So taking $Ο΅ β 0$ and $R β β$, we obtain $\left(1-e^{2 Ο i t}\right) β«_0^{β} f(x) d x=Ο\left(e^{i Ο t / 2}-e^{3 i Ο t / 2}\right)$, and so
β«_0^{β} f(x) d x &=\frac{Ο\left(e^{i Ο t / 2}-e^{3 i Ο t / 2}\right)}{1-e^{2 Ο i t}} \\
&=Ο e^{i Ο t / 2} \frac{1-e^{i Ο t}}{1-e^{2 Ο i t}} \\
&=Ο e^{i Ο t / 2} \frac{1}{1+e^{Ο i t}} \\
&=Ο \frac{1}{e^{-Ο i t / 2}+e^{Ο i t / 2}} \\
&=\frac{Ο}{2 \cos (Ο t / 2)}
- Holomorphic function $f: R β β$ is conformal on $R$ if $f'(z) β 0$ for every $z β R$.
- By (i) $f'(z) β 0$. Let $g=f^{-1}$. Let $w_0 β G$. We show that $g'\left(w_0\right)$ exists and $g'\left(w_0\right) β 0$. If $w β G$ such that $w β w_0$, then by injectivity $z=g(w) β z_0=g\left(w_0\right)$. By open mapping theorem, $g$ is continuous. Therefore as $w β w_0$, we have $z β z_0$. Hence
\frac{g(w)-g\left(w_0\right)}{w-w_0}=\frac{z-z_0}{f(z)-f\left(z_0\right)}=\frac{1}{\frac{f(z)-f\left(z_0\right)}{z-z_0}} β \frac{1}{f'\left(z_0\right)}
as $w β w_0$ exists and does not vanish. Therefore $g$ is conformal.
- The answer is yes, by Riemann conformal mapping theorem, as $H$ is simply connected. Explicitly we may construct conformal mapping by applying MΓΆbius transformations. Pick any point $a β H$ which is sent to 0, so that its symmetric point against $β H$ (the real line), $\bar{a}$ is mapped to $β$. Hence
f(z)=e^{i ΞΈ} \frac{z-a}{z-\bar{a}}
where $ΞΈ$ is a real number, which has an inverse obtained by solving $z$ in terms of $w=f(z)$, that is,
z=\frac{\bar{a} w-a e^{i ΞΈ}}{w-e^{i ΞΈ}}
Simple computation leads to the following relation that
β z=\frac{1-{|w|}^2}{\left|w-e^{i ΞΈ}\right|^2} β a
so that $zβHββz>0β{|w|}<1βwβD$ which shows that $f:HβD$ is bijective.
- Suppose $f$ is holomorphic from β to $H$, then by part (iii), the mapping
z β \frac{f(z)-i}{f(z)+i}
is holomorphic from β to the unit disk, hence, by the Liouville theorem, this holomorphic function must be constant. That is
for some $A$ with ${|A|}<1$. Hence
f(z)=\frac{2 i}{1-A}-i
is a constant.
- Let $C_1:{|z-2|}=2$ and $C_2:{|z-3|}=1$, two circles, tangent at $z=4$. Let us apply the MΓΆbius transformation
which sends 4 to $β$, so the two circles $C_1$ and $C_2$ are mapped to two parallel lines $l_1$ and $l_2$.
$f_1$ preserves the real axis, and two circles are orthogonal to real axis. Therefore $l_1$ and $l_2$ must be orthogonal to real axis too. Since 0 and $z=2+2 i$ are two points lying on $C_1$, and
f_1(0)=-\frac{1}{4}, β \text { and } f_1(2+2 i)=\frac{1}{-2+2 i}=-\frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{1-i}=-\frac{1}{4}-\frac{1}{4} i
hence $l_1$ is the line that $β z=-\frac{1}{4}$. Now $2 β C_2$ and
so $l_2$ is the line having equation $β z=-\frac{1}{2}$. Since $1 β R_1$ and $f(1)=-\frac{1}{3}$, thus the range $R_1$ is mapped one-to-one onto the strip that $-\frac{1}{2}<β z<-\frac{1}{4}$. Now the mapping $f_2(z)=4 Ο\left(z+\frac{1}{2}\right)$ sends the strip $-\frac{1}{2}<β z<-\frac{1}{4}$ to the strip $0<β z<Ο$. Apply $f_3(z)=\exp (i z)$ which maps the strip $0<β z<Ο$ to $H$. Therefore
f(z)=f_3 β f_2 β f_1(z)=\exp \left(\frac{4 Ο i}{z-4}+2 Ο i\right)=\exp \left(\frac{4 Ο i}{z-4}\right)
is a conformal mapping sending $R_1$ one-to-one and onto $H$.
- Sketch the range $R_2$ we discover that the circle $C_3:|z-i|=2$ has two cutting points with $C_4: β z=0$ at $x$ where $|x-i|^2=4$, solve $x$ to obtain $x= Β± \sqrt{3}$. Now we apply a MΓΆbius transformation which sends $-\sqrt{3}$ to 0 and $\sqrt{3}$ to $β$, thus $C_3$ and $C_4$ are mapped to two lines through the origin $l_3$ and $l_4$. We may use
f_1(z)=\frac{z+\sqrt{3}}{z-\sqrt{3}} .
It is clear that the MΓΆbius transformation $f_1$ preserves real axis (i.e. $C_4$, the line $β z=0$ ), or by checking that $0 β C_4$ and $f_1(0)=-1$ so that $l_4$ must be the real axis.
Now $3 i β C_3$ and
f_1(3 i)=\frac{3 i+\sqrt{3}}{3 i-\sqrt{3}}=\frac{1}{2}-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i,
which implies that $l_3$ is the line $\arg z=-\frac{Ο}{3}$. Since $i β R_2$ and
f_1(i)=\frac{i+\sqrt{3}}{i-\sqrt{3}}=-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i
which yields that
f_1\left(R_2\right)=\left\{z β β:-Ο<\arg z<-\frac{Ο}{3}\right\} .
Rotating the range by $Ο$, i.e. $f_2: z β e^{i Ο} z=-z$ mapping $f_1\left(R_2\right)$ to the range that $0<\arg z<\frac{2}{3} Ο$, which is the wedge with angle $\frac{2}{3} Ο$ then enlarging the wedge angle by conformal mapping $f_3: z β z^{\frac{3}{2}}$ which sends the wedge to $H$, where
f_3(z)=z^{\frac{3}{2}}=\exp \left[\frac{3}{2} \ln z\right]
where $\ln z=\ln {|z|}+i \arg z$ where $0<\arg z<2 Ο$ is the principal branch of log. Together with Part (a)(iii) we conclude that
f(z)=f_4 β f_3 β f_2 β f_1(z)
where $f_3(z)=e^{i ΞΈ} \frac{z-a}{z-\bar{a}}(β a>0$ and $ΞΈ$ is real as parameters). That is
f(z)=e^{i ΞΈ} \frac{\exp \left[\frac{3}{2} \ln \frac{\sqrt{3}+z}{\sqrt{3}-z}\right]-a}{\exp \left[\frac{3}{2} \ln \frac{\sqrt{3}+z}{\sqrt{3}-z}\right]-\bar{a}}
sends $R_2$ one-to-one onto conformly to the unit disk $D$.
Another method: One can apply $f_1(z)=\frac{z-\sqrt{3}}{z+\sqrt{3}}$ instead at the first step, the other steps are similar. $l_4$ is still the real axis. Since
f_1(3 i)=\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i, β f_1(i)=\frac{1}{2}-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i
so that the range $f_1\left(R_2\right)$ is given by $-\frac{2}{3} Ο<\arg z<0$, therefore we conclude that
f(z)=e^{i ΞΈ} \frac{\exp \left[\frac{3}{2} \ln \left(e^{\frac{2}{3} Ο i} \frac{z-\sqrt{3}}{z+\sqrt{3}}\right)\right]-a}{\exp \left[\frac{3}{2} \ln \left(e^{\frac{2}{3} Ο i} \frac{z-\sqrt{3}}{z+\sqrt{3}}\right)\right]-\bar{a}}
will do.