Metric spaces and complex analysis paper 2019
- Let $(X, d)$ be a metric space, and $Ο$ be a non-decreasing function on $[0, β)$ such that $Ο(0)=0, Ο(t)>0$ for $t>0, Ο$ is continuous at 0, and $Ο(s+t)β©½Ο(s)+Ο(t)$ for all $s, tβ©Ύ0$. Define $Ο(x, y)=Ο(d(x, y))$ for $x, y β X$.
- Show that $Ο$ is a metric on $X$.
- Show that $x_{n} β x$ in $(X, d)$ implies that $x_{n} β x$ in $(X, Ο)$. Is the converse also true? That is, if $x_{n} β x$ in $(X, Ο)$, is it true that $x_{n} β x$ in $(X, d)$ too? Justify your answer.
- Show that there is a bounded metric $d'$ on $X$ which is equivalent to $d$ in the sense that $d\left(x_{n}, x\right) β 0$ if and only if $d'\left(x_{n}, x\right) β 0$ as $n β β$
- Let $A$ and $B$ be two subsets of a metric space $X$. Show that $\bar{A} βͺ \bar{B}=\overline{A βͺ B}$, where $\bar{A}$ denotes the closure of a subset $A$. Is it true that $\overline{A β© B}=\bar{A} β© \bar{B}$ ?
Give an example of subsets $A$ and $B$ of $β$, such that $A β© \bar{B}$ and $\bar{A} β© B$, are different.
- Let $(X, d)$ be a metric space.
- What does it mean that $f: X β X$ is a contraction? State the Contraction Mapping Theorem.
- Suppose $(X, d)$ is compact and non-empty, and $g: X β X$ is mapping such that $d(g(x), g(y))<d(x, y)$ for any $x, y β X, x β y$. Show that there is a unique $x_{0} β X$ such that $g\left(x_{0}\right)=x_{0}$.
- Let $Y$ be the vector space of all convergent real sequences $a=\left(a_{n}\right)_{nβ©Ύ0}$ with $\lim_{n β β} a_{n}=0$, equipped with the norm $βaβ=\sup_{nβ©Ύ0}\left|a_{n}\right|$. Let $d(a, b)=βa-bβ$ for $a=\left(a_{n}\right)_{nβ©Ύ0} β Y$ and $b=\left(b_{n}\right)_{nβ©Ύ0} β Y$, where $a-b$ is the sequence $\left(a_{n}-b_{n}\right)_{nβ©Ύ0}$. You may assume that $d$ is a metric on $Y$.
Let $B=\{a β Y:βaββ©½1\}$ be the closed unit ball of $Y$. Consider the mapping $F: B β Y$ defined as the following. If $a=\left(a_{n}\right)_{nβ©Ύ0} β B$ then $F(a)=\left(ΞΎ_{n}\right)_{nβ©Ύ0}$ is given by$$
ΞΎ_{0}=\frac12(1+βaβ), β ΞΎ_{n}=a_{n-1}\left(1-\frac1{2^{n}}\right) \text { for } nβ©Ύ1 .$$Show that $F$ maps $B$ into $B$, and moreover show that$$
d(F(a), F(b))<d(a, b)$$for any $a, b β B, a β b$. Prove that the equation $F(a)=a$ has no solution in $B$.
Is the closed unit ball $B$ compact? Justify your answer.
[Hint: you may use the fact, without proof, that the sequence $\prod_{k=1}^{n}\left(1-2^{-k}\right)$ converges to a positive number as $n β β$.]
What does it mean that a metric space $X$ is connected? What does it mean that $X$ is path-connected?
- From the definition, show that a metric space $X$ is connected if and only if any continuous function $f$ from $X$ to the two point discrete space $\{0,1\}$ is constant.
- Show that $X β β$ is connected if and only if $X$ is an interval $J$.
[You may use the Intermediate Value Theorem for real continuous functions, as long as you state it clearly. You may also use the fact that $J β β$ is an interval if and only if for every $x, y β J$ and $xβ©½y$, then $(x, y) β J$. In particular an interval can be unbounded.]
- Show that a path-connected space must be connected.
- Let $X$ be an open and connected subset of Euclidean space $β^{n}$. Show that $X$ is path-connected.
- Show that there is no homeomorphism between $[0,1]$ and the unit circle $S^1=\{z β β:{|z|}=1\}$. Find a map which sends $[0,1]$ one-to-one and onto $S^1$.
- Let $D$ be an open subset of $β$, and $f$ be a complex function on $D$. Let $z=x+y i$ where $(x, y)$ are real coordinates, and write $f(z)=u(x, y)+v(x, y) i$ for $z=x+y i β D$, where $u$ and $v$ are real functions in $D$.
- What does it mean that $f$ is holomorphic in $D$ ?
- State the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Prove that if $f$ is holomorphic in $D$, then $u, v$ are solutions to the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
- Show that if $D$ is connected and if $f$ is real and holomorphic then $f$ is constant.
- Suppose now $f$ is holomorphic in $D$ and $a β D$. State Taylor's expansion for $f$ about $a$, and the Cauchy integral formula for $f$ at $a$.
- Show that if $f$ is holomorphic and bounded on the complex plane $β$, then $f$ is constant. [If you use Liouville's theorem, then you need to state it and prove it.]
- Let $a β β$. What does it mean to say that $a$ is an isolated singularity of $f$ ? What does it mean that $a$ is a removable singularity of $f$ ?
- Suppose that $b$ is an isolated singularity of $f$, state Laurent's expansion for $f$ about $b$.
- Show that if $f$ is bounded near $b$, then $b$ is removable.Riemann Removable Singularities Theorem
- Suppose now $f$ is holomorphic on $β$, and $|f(z)| β©½|\sin z+\cos z|$ for every $z β β$. Show that $f(z)=A(\sin z+\cos z)$ for all $z β β$, where $A$ is a constant.
- Let $R$ be a connected and open subset of $β$, and $f$ be holomorphic in $R$.
- Consider$$
A=\left\{z β R: f^{(n)}(z)=0 \text { for all } n=0,1,2, β―\right\}$$Show that $A$ is open. Show that $A$ is closed too. Hence, or otherwise, prove that $A$ is empty or $A=R$.
- State and prove the Identity Theorem for holomorphic functions.
- Is there a holomorphic function $f$ in $D=\{z:|z|<1\}$ such that
- $f\left(\frac1{n}\right)=(-1)^{n}+1$ for $n=2,3, β―$ ? Justify your answer.
- $f\left(\frac1{n}\right)=\frac{n}{n+1}$ for $n=2,3, β―$ ? Justify your answer.
- $f\left(\frac{n-1}{n}\right)=1-\frac2{n}+\frac1{n^2}$ for $n=1,2, β― ?$ Is such $f$ unique? Justify your answer.
- Let $a β β$, and $f$ be a holomorphic function near $a$ so that $a$ is an isolated singularity of $f$.
- Define the residue $\operatorname{Res}(f, a)$ of $f$ at the isolated singularity $a$. What does it mean that $a$ is an essential singularity of $f$?
In the following parts (ii) and (iii), suppose $a$ is an essential singularity of $f$.
- Show that for any $Ξ΄>0$ and $M>0$, there is $z β β$ such that $|z-a|<Ξ΄$ and $|f(z)|>M$. That is, $f$ is unbounded near $a$.
- Show that for any $Ξ΅>0, Ξ΄>0$ and any complex number $C$, there is a point $z β β$ such that $|z-a|<Ξ΄$ and $|f(z)-C|<Ξ΅$.
[Taylor's expansion and Laurent's expansion may be applied as long as you state them clearly.]
- State the Residue Theorem, and show that$$
β«_{0}^{2 Ο} \frac{d ΞΈ}{1-2 p \cos ΞΈ+p^2}=\frac{2 Ο}{1-p^2}$$where $p β β$ such that ${|p|}<1$.
- Define a holomorphic branch of $\log z$, and use a suitable contour integral to compute the integral$$
β«_{0}^β \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x$$Justify your computations.
- Suppose $f$ is holomorphic in an open set $R$ containing $\{z β β:{|z|}β©½1\}$. Let $C(0,1)$ be the unit circle $\{z β β:|z|=1\}$ with the anti-clockwise orientation, and $D(0,1)$ be the unit disk $\{z β β:|z|<1\}$.
- Suppose $f$ does not equal zero identically in $D(0,1)$, and suppose $a β D(0,1)$ is a zero of $f$, show that $f(z)=(z-a)^{m} g(z)$ for some $mβ©Ύ1$ ($m$ is called the order of zero $a$) and for some holomorphic function $g$ on $D(a, r)$ for some $r>0$, and $g(z) β 0$ for $z$ near $a$.
Hence, or otherwise, deduce that $a$ is a simple pole of $\frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}$, if $f$ does not equal zero identically.
- Suppose now that $f$ possesses finitely many zeros $a_{i} β D(0,1)$ of order $m_{i}$, where $i=1, β―, k$, and $Ο$ is a holomorphic function in $R$. Show that$$
\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(0,1)} Ο(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} d z=\sum_{i=1}^{k} m_{i} Ο\left(a_{i}\right) .
- Let $H=\{z: \operatorname{Im} z>0\}$ and $D=\{z:|z|<1\}$ the unit disk.
- Let $a β H$. Find a MΓΆbius transformation $h$ which maps $H$ one-to-one and onto the unit disk $D$, such that $h(a)=0$, and find a one-to-one conformal map which sends $D$ onto $H$.
- Show that the MΓΆbius transformation $Ο: z β \frac{z-Ξ±}{1-\bar{Ξ±} z}$ maps $D$ one-to-one and onto $D$ for every $Ξ± β D$. What is the image $Ο(D)$ in the case where $|Ξ±|>1$ ?
- Let $R=\{z:|z|<1$ and $\operatorname{Im} z>0\}$. Find a conformal map which sends $R$ one-to-one and onto the unit disk $D$.
- Since $Ο β₯ 0$, so $Ο(x, y)=Ο(d(x, y)) β₯ 0$. Since $d(x, y)=d(y, x)$
Ο(x, y)=Ο(d(x, y))=Ο(d(y, x))=Ο(y, x)
By assumption, $Ο(t)=0$ only when $t=0$, hence $Ο(x, y)=Ο(d(x, y))=0$ implies that $d(x, y)=0$, so that $x=y$ as $d$ is a metric. Finally verify that $Ο$ also satisfies the triangle inequality. If $x, y$ and $z$ in $X$, we have $d(x, z)β€d(x, y)+d(y, z)$, so that, by using the assumptions on $Ο$ we have
Ο(x, z) &=Ο(d(x, z))\\&β€Ο(d(x, y)+d(y, z))\\&β€Ο(d(x, y))+Ο(d(y, z)) \\
&=Ο(x, y)+Ο(y, z) .
Therefore $Ο$ is a metric on $X$.
- Suppose $x_n β x$ in $(X, d)$, i.e. $d\left(x_n, x\right) β 0$, since $Ο$ is (right) continuous at 0, $Ο\left(d\left(x_n, x\right)\right) β 0$, that is, $Ο\left(x_n, x\right) β 0$.
The converse is also true, we may argue by contradiction. Suppose $Ο\left(x_n, x\right) β 0$ but $d\left(x_n, x\right)$ does not tend to zero, thus there is $Ξ΅>0$ and there is a sub-sequence $\left\{x_{n_k}\right\}$ such that $d\left(x_{n_k}, x\right) β₯ Ξ΅$, $Ο$ is non-decreasing implies that $Ο\left(x_{n_k}, x\right) β₯ Ο(Ξ΅)>0$ for all $k$, which is a contradiction.
- We may choose $Ο(t)=\frac{t}{1+t}$ and $Ο(x, y)=Ο(d(x, y))$.
Then $Ο$ is increasing on $[0, β)$ and $Ο(t)=0$ only for $t=0$. $Ο$ is continuous at 0, and
for all $s, t β₯ 0$, that is, $Ο(s+t)β€Ο(s)+Ο(t)$. Therefore, by a) and b), $d'=Ο$ is a metric equivalent to $d$. While $d'(x, y)β€1$ for all $x, y β X$.
- Since $A β \overline{A βͺ B}$ so $\bar{A} β \overline{A βͺ B}$ and similarly $\bar{B} β \overline{A βͺ B}$. On the other hand $A βͺ B β \bar{A} βͺ \bar{B}$ and $\bar{A} βͺ \bar{B}$ is closed, we therefore have $\overline{A βͺ B} β \bar{A} βͺ \bar{B}$. Hence $\bar{A} βͺ \bar{B}=\overline{A βͺ B}$.
In general $\overline{A β© B}=\bar{A} β© \bar{B}$ is false, for example $A=β$ and $B=ββ β$. Then $A β© B=β
$ but $\bar{A}=\bar{B}=β$.
Moreover $A β© \bar{B}=β, \bar{A} β© B=ββ β, \overline{A β© B}=β
$ and $\bar{A} β© \bar{B}=β$ are different.
- $f: X β X$ is a contraction if there is a constant $0β€c<1$ such that $d(f(x), f(y))β€c d(x, y)$ for every $x, y β X$. The Contraction Mapping Theorem says that if $f: X β X$
is a contraction on a complete metric space $(X, d)$, then $f$ has a unique point, i.e. there is a unique $x β X$, such that $f(x)=x$.
- Let us consider the function $F(x)=d(g(x), x)$ for $x β X$. Then
|F(x)-F(y)| &=|d(g(x), x)-d(g(y), y)| \\
&=|d(g(x), x)-d(x, g(y))+d(x, g(y))-d(g(y), y)| \\
&β€d(g(x), g(y))+d(x, y) \\
&β€2 d(x, y)
for all $x, y$, hence $F$ is continuous on $X$. Since $X$ is compact, $F$ achieves its minimum on $X$, that is, there is $x_0 β X$, such that
d\left(g\left(x_0\right), x_0\right)=\inf_{x β X} d(g(x), x)
If $g\left(x_0\right) β x_0$, then $d\left(g^2\left(x_0\right), g\left(x_0\right)\right)<F\left(x_0\right)$ by assumption, so that $F\left(g\left(x_0\right)\right)<F\left(x_0\right)$ which contradicts to the claim $x_0$ is the inf of $F$. Thus $x_0$ must be a fixed point of $g$.
- Suppose $a β B$, then $F(a)=ΞΎ=\left(ΞΎ_n\right)$ given in the question possesses the following properties:
ΞΎ_n=a_{n-1}\left(1-\frac1{2^n}\right) β 0 β \text { as } n β β
While for $n β₯ 1$ we have
\left|ΞΎ_n\right|=\left|a_{n-1}\right|\left(1-\frac1{2^n}\right) β€\left|a_{n-1}\right| β€βaβ
so by definition $βΞΎββ€1$, and therefore $F(a) β B$ for every $a β B$.
Suppose $a=\left(a_n\right), b=\left(b_n\right) β B$, and let $ΞΎ=F(a)$ and $F(b)=Ξ·$. Then $ΞΎ_0-Ξ·_0=\frac12({βaβ}-{βbβ})$ and for $n β₯ 1$
so that
and for $n β₯ 1$
\left|ΞΎ_n-Ξ·_n\right| β€\left(1-\frac1{2^n}\right)\left|a_{n-1}-b_{n-1}\right|
If $a β b$, then $βa-bβ>0$. Since $a_n-b_n β 0$ so there is $N β β,\left|a_{n-1}-b_{n-1}\right|β€\frac12βa-bβ$ for $n β₯ N$. Hence
\left|ΞΎ_n-Ξ·_n\right| β€\left[\left(1-\frac1{2^N}\right) β¨ \frac12\right]βa-bβ
for all $n$, it follows that
βF(a)-F(b)β β€\left[\left(1-\frac1{2^N}\right) β¨ \frac12\right]βa-bβ<βa-bβ
as long as $a β b$.
We are going to show that $F$ has no fixed point. Argue by contradiction. Suppose $a=F(a)$ where $a=\left(a_n\right) β B$. Then, by definition of $F$
for $n β₯ 1$. It follows that
a_n=\prod_{k=1}^n\left(1-\frac1{2^k}\right) a_0=\frac12(1+βaβ) \prod_{k=1}^n\left(1-\frac1{2^k}\right)
which does not converge to zero, a contradiction to the assumption that $a β B$. By part (c), one can conclude that $B$ is not compact. [An argument by using unit vectors is also fine].
- $X$ is connected if $X=U βͺ V$ where $U, V$ are open and disjoint, then $U$ or $V$ is empty.
$X$ is path-connected, if for every $x, y β X$ there is a continuous mapping $Ξ³$ from $[0,1]$ to $X$ such that $Ξ³(0)=x$ and $Ξ³(1)=y$.
- Suppose $f: X β\{0,1\}$ is continuous. Let $U=f^{-1}(0)$ and $V=f^{-1}(1)$. Then $U, V$ are open (also closed), disjoint and $X=U βͺ V$. If $X$ is connected, then $U$ or $V$ is empty, so $f(x)=0$ for all $x$, or $f(x)=1$ for all $x$, accordingly. Conversely, if $X$ is disconnected, so that $X=U βͺ V$ where $U, V$ are open disjoint and both are nonempty. Define $f(x)=0$ for $x β U$, and $f(x)=1$ for $x β V$. Then $f$ is continuous, and $f$ is not constant.
- Let us prove that $X β β$ is connected if and only if $X=J$ is an interval. First prove any interval is connected. If $X$ is an interval with end points $aβ€b$. If $a=b$ then $X=[a, a]=\{a\}$ which is connected. Otherwise we argue by contradiction. Suppose $f: X β\{0,1\}$ is continuous, so $f$ is also a continuous function from $X$ to $[0,1]$. If $f$ is not constant, then there are $x, y β X$ such that $f(x)=0$ and $f(y)=1$. We may assume that $x<y$. Since $X$ is an interval, so that $[x, y] β X$ and $f$ is continuous on $[x, y]$. By IVT, there is $z β[x, y]$ such that $f(z)=1 / 2$, which is a contradiction.
Conversely, assume that $X$ is connected, we show that $X$ is an interval, that is, if $x<y$ and $x, y β X$, we need to show that $(x, y) β X$. Argue by contradiction. Suppose $c β(x, y)$ but $c β X$. Let $U=X β©(-β, c)$ and $V=X β©(c, β)$. Then $U, V$ are open and disjoint, $x β U, y β V$, and $X=U βͺ V$ as $c β X$. Thus $X$ is disconnected, a contradiction.
- Suppose $X$ is path-connected, and we show that $X$ is connected. Again argue by contradiction. Suppose $X$ is disconnected, that is $X=U βͺ V$ where $U, V$ are open, disjoint and both non-empty. Let $x β U$, and $y β V$. Since $X$ is path-connected, so there is a continuous map $p:[0,1] β X$ such that $p(0)=x$ and $p(1)=y$. Then
[0,1]=p^{-1}(U) βͺ p^{-1}(V)
where $p^{-1}(U), p^{-1}(V)$ are open, disjoint, and no one is empty, which would yield that the interval $[0,1]$ is disconnected, a contradiction.
- Suppose $X β β^n$ is open and connected. Let $a β X$ be any but fixed point, and let $A=\{x β X: x$ can be connected to $a\}$, i.e. $A$ consists of all points $x β X$, such that there is a continuous $p:[0,1]βX$ such that $p(0)=x$ and $p(1)=a$. We show that both $A$ and $A^c$ are open. Suppose $x β A$, then also $x β X$. Since $X$ is open in $β^n$, so there is $r>0$, the open ball $B(x, r) β X$. Since any point $y β B(x, r)$ can be connected to the center $x$ then to $a$, so that $B(x, r) β A$. Therefore $A$ is open. Similar argument shows that if $A^c$ were non-empty, then $A^c$ is open too. Since $X$ is connected, and $A$ is non-empty, so that $A=X$ which implies that $X$ is path-connected.
- Suppose there is 1-1 onto continuous $f:[0,1] β S^1$, then $f$ maps disconnected space $[0, c) βͺ(c, 1]$ one to one and onto $S^1β\{a\}$ where $a=f(c)$, and $c β(0,1)$. Since $f$ and $f^{-1}$ are continuous, and $f^{-1}$ maps a connected space $S^1β\{a\}$ to a disconnected one, which produces a contradiction.
Choose $a_n=\frac1{n}(n=1,2, β―)$. Let $f(x)=e^{i 2 Ο x}$ for $x β[0,1)$ but $x β a_n$ for $n β₯ 1$ and $f\left(a_n\right)=e^{i 2 Ο a_{n+1}}$ for $n β₯ 1$.Hilbert's hotel
- $f$ is holomorphic in an open subset $D β β$, if for every $z β D$, the complex derivative
f'(z)=\lim_{h β 0} \frac{f(z+h)-f(z)}{h}
exists for every $z β D$.
- By letting $hββ$ go to zero, we obtain that, if $f=u+v i$ is holomorphic,
f'(z)=u_x+v_x i
and by letting $h=i Ξ΄$, where $Ξ΄ββ$ and $Ξ΄ β 0$, to obtain
f'(z)=\frac1{i}\left(u_y+v_y i\right)
and therefore
u_x+v_x i=\frac1{i}\left(u_y+v_y i\right)
which is equivalent to the Cauchy-Riemann equations:
u_x=v_y \text { and } u_y=-v_x
- If $f=u+v i$ is real, so that $v=0$, which implies $u_x=u_y=0$ too by Cauchy-Riemann equations. Hence $u$ is constant as $D$ is connected and open. It follows that $f$ is constant on $D$.
- Talyor's expansion: If $f$ is holomorphic in $D$, and suppose $r>0$ such that the disk $D(a, r) β D$, then
f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^β a_n(z-a)^n \text { for any } z β D(a, r)
a_n=\frac1{n !} f^{(n)}(a)=\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(a, Ο)} \frac{f(w)}{(w-a)^{n+1}} d w
where $C(a, Ο)$ is the circle with center $a$ and radius $Ο$, as long as $0<Ο<r$.
- Suppose $f$ is bounded and holomorphic in $β$, then
f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^β a_n z^n \text { for any } z
a_n=\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(0, R)} \frac{f(w)}{w^{n+1}} d w
Suppose $|f(z)|β€M$ for any $z β β$, where $M$ is a bound of $f$ in $β$. Then, by the Estimation Lemma,
\left|a_n\right| &β€\frac1{2 Ο} 2 Ο R \max_{|w|=R}\left|\frac{f(w)}{w^{n+1}}\right|\\&=R \frac1{R^{n+1}} M \\
&=\frac1{R^n} M
for any $R>0$. Therefore, for $n β₯ 1$, by letting $R β β$ we conclude that $\left|a_n\right|β€0$, so $a_n=0$ for all $n β₯ 1$, hence $f(z)=a_0$ is constant.
- It is said that $a$ is an isolated singularity of $f$, if there is $r>0, f$ is holomorphic on $D(a, r)β\{a\}$, where $D(a, r)β\{a\}=\{z: 0<|z-a|<r\}$.
An isolated singularity is removable if there is a holomorphic function $g$ in $D(a, r)$ (for some $r>0$) such that $f=g$ on $D(a, r)β\{a\}$, that is, $f$ can be extended (uniquely) to a holomorphic function in $D(a, r)$.
- Laurent's expansion. If $b$ is an isolated singularity, so that there is $r>0$ such that $f$ is holomorphic in $D(b, r)β\{b\}$, and
f(z)=\sum_{n=1}^β c_{-n}(z-b)^{-n}+\sum_{n=0}^β c_n(z-b)^n=\sum_{n=-β}^β c_n(z-b)^n \text { for any } 0<|z-b|<r
c_n=\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(b, Ο)} \frac{f(w)}{(w-b)^{n+1}} d w
for all $n β β€$, where $0<Ο<r$.
- Suppose $f$ is bounded on $D(b, r)β\{b\}$, say ${|f(z)|}β€M$ for any $0<{|z-b|}<r$. Then, by Estimation Lemma,
\left|c_n\right| &β€\frac1{2 Ο} 2 Ο Ο \max_{|w-b|=Ο}\left|\frac{f(w)}{(w-b)^{n+1}}\right|\\&=\frac1{2 Ο} 2 Ο Ο \frac1{Ο^{n+1}} \max_{|w-b|=Ο}|f(w)| \\
&β€Ο^{-n} M
for any $n β β€$ and $0<Ο<r$. Letting $Ο β 0$, then $Ο^{-n} β 0$ if $-n>0$, so that $c_{-n}=0$ for $n=1,2, β―$. Therefore
f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^β c_n(z-b)^n \text { for } 0<|z-b|<r
The right-hand side defines a holomorphic function on $D(b, r)$, including $b$ too, so $b$ is removable.
- For the last part, we introduce $h(z)=\sin z+\cos z$ whose zeros are isolated. In fact
h(z)=\sqrt2 \sin \left(z+\frac{Ο}{4}\right)
so its zeros are $a_n=n Ο-\frac{Ο}{4}$ where $n β β€$. Now consider $g(z)=f(z) / h(z)$ for $z β a_n$, so that $a_n$ are isolated singularity of $g$. Now $|g(z)|β€1$ for all $z β a_n$, thus $a_n$ are all removable, and therefore $g$ is (extended to be) holomorphic in $β$, and still we have $|g(z)|β€1$, thus $g$ is bounded and holomorphic in $β$, so that $g$ must be constant. It follows that
f(z)=A h(z)=A(\sin z+\cos z)
for a constant $A$, with $|A|β€1$
- We show that $A$ is open. Suppose $a β R$, then there is $r>0$ such that $D(a, r) β R$, and according to Taylor's expansion
f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^β {f^{(n)}(a)\over n!}(z-a)^n \text { for }{|z-a|}<r
If $a β A$, then all $f^{(n)}(a)=0$ so that $f(z)=0$ for $z β D(a, r)$, and therefore $f^{(n)}(z)=0$ too for all $n β₯ 0$ and $z β D(a, r)$. Therefore $A$ is open.
On the other hand for each $n,\left\{z β R: f^{(n)}(z)=0\right\}$ is the pre-image of $\{0\}$ under $f^{(n)}$ which is continuous, and therefore is closed. It follows that
A=\bigcap_{n=0}^β\left\{z β R: f^{(n)}(z)=0\right\}
is closed in $R$. Therefore $A$ is a closed and open subset of $R$. Since $R$ is connected, so that $A$ must be empty or $A=R$.
- Identity Theorem. Suppose $f$ is holomorphic on a connected open set $R β β$, $a β R$ and there is a sequence of $z_n β Rβ\{a\}, z_n β a,f\left(z_n\right)=0$ for $n=1,2, β―$, then $f(z)=0$ for all $z β R$.
Proof. Let $A$ as defined above. By Taylor's expansion
f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^β a_n(z-a)^n \text { for }{|z-a|}<r
for some $r>0$. We claim that all $a_n=0$.
Since $f(a)=\lim_{n β β} f\left(z_n\right)=0$, so $a_0=0$.
Suppose there is $k β β$, such that $a_k β 0$, and $a_n=0$ for $n<k$, then
for any $0<{|z-a|}<r$. In particular
so by letting $n β β$ we obtain that $a_k=0$ which contradicts to the assumption. Therefore $f^{(k)}(a)=0$ for all $k$. Hence $a β A$, thus $A$ is non-empty, so that $A=R$, which means that $f(z)=0$ for every $z β R$.
- Since $\frac1{n} β 0 β D$, by Identity Theorem, $f(z)=2$ as $f\left(\frac1{2 n}\right)=2$, and also $f(z)=0$ as $f\left(\frac1{2 n+1}\right)=0$, for every $z β D$. Therefore there is no such holomorphic function.
- $f(z)=\frac1{1+z}$ will do, which is unique.
- $f(z)=z^2$ will do, also
f(z)=z^2+\sin \frac{Ο}{1-z}
works as well. Identity Theorem does not apply in this case as $\frac{n-1}{n} β 1$, but 1 does not belong to the open unit disk $D(0,1)$.
- If $a$ is an isolated singularity for $f$, then there is $r>0$, we have Laurent's expansion about $a$ in the following form
f(z)=\sum_{n=1}^β c_{-n}(z-a)^{-n}+\sum_{n=1}^β c_n(z-a)^n \text { for } 0<|z-a|<r
here the coefficient
c_n=\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(a, Ο)} \frac{f(w)}{(w-a)^{n+1}} d w
where $0<Ο<r$. The coefficient of $(z-a)^{-1}$, that is,
c_{-1}=\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(a, Ο)} f(z) d z
is called the residue of $f$ at $a$. [It is an acceptable answer that the residue of $f$ at $a$ is given by (1).] $a$ is essential if there are infinite many $c_{-n}($ where $n β β$) do not vanish.
- Suppose ${|f(z)|}β€M$ for $n β₯ 1,0<Ο<Ξ΄$, we have by Estimation Lemma
\left|c_{-n}\right|β€\frac1{2 Ο} 2 Ο Ο \max_{|w-a|=Ο}\left|\frac{f(w)}{(w-a)^{-n+1}}\right|β€Ο^n M
by letting $Ο β 0$ we may conclude that all $c_{-n}$ vanish for $n=1,2, β―$, so $a$ is not essential by definition.
- For every complex number $C$, $a$ is an essential singularity of $f(z)-C$ too. If there is a sequence $z_n β a$ such that $f\left(z_n\right)-C=0$, then we are done. Otherwise, there is $r>0$ such that $f(z)-C β 0$ has on $D(a, r)β\{a\}$ for some $r>0$. Now consider the function $h(z)=\frac1{f(z)-C}$ for $0<|z-a|<r$, so that $a$ is an isolated singularity. We show that $h$ is unbounded. Suppose $h$ is bounded, then $a$ is a removable singularity of $h$ so that $\lim_{z β a} h(z)$ exists. If $h(z) β 0$, then $a$ is a zero of $h$. Since $h$ is not identically equal to zero, so that $a$ is an isolated zero. Hence $h(z)=(z-a)^k g(z)$ where $g(z)$ is holomorphic, and has no zero in $|z-a|<r$ for some $r>0$. Hence
f(z)=C+\frac1{h(z)}=C+\frac1{(z-a)^k} \frac1{g(z)}
and therefore $a$ is a pole of order $k$, not an essential one, which is a contradiction. Hence $h(a) β 0$. In this case $h β 0$ is holomorphic in $D(a, r)$ for some $r>0$, hence $f(z)=C+\frac1{h(z)}$ is holomorphic up to $a$ too, thus $a$ is removable, a contradiction too.
We therefore can conclude that $a$ is an essential singularity of $h$ too. In particular $h$ is unbounded, hence there is $z$ such that $0<|z-a|<Ξ΄$ but $|h(z)|>\frac1Ξ΅$, that is $|f(z)-C|<Ξ΅$.
- The Residue Theorem: Suppose that $U$ is an open set in β and $Ξ³$ is a path whose inside is contained in $U$, so that for all $zβU$ we have $I(Ξ³, z) = 0$.
Then if $S β U$ is a finite set such that $S β© Ξ³^* = β
$ and $f$ is a holomorphic function on $UβS$ we have
β«_C f(z) d z=2 Ο i \sum_{aβS} \operatorname{Res}(f, a)
Letβs do the substitution $z=e^{i ΞΈ}$ with $ΞΈ: 0 β 2 Ο$ in the integral on the left-hand side, which is denoted by $I$ for simplicity. Then $d ΞΈ=d z /(i z), \cos ΞΈ=\frac12\left(z+\frac1{z}\right)$ so that $I$ can be turned into the following contour integral
I &=β«_{C(0,1)} \frac1{1-p\left(z+\frac1{z}\right)+p^2} \frac{d z}{i z} \\
&=\frac1{i} β«_{C(0,1)} \frac1{z-p\left(z^2+1\right)+p^2 z} d z \\
&=\frac1{i} β«_{C(0,1)} \frac1{(z-p)(1-p z)} d z \\
&=2 Ο \frac1{1-p p}=\frac{2 Ο}{1-p^2}
where the last equality follows from the Cauchy formula applying to function $\frac1{1-p z}$ at point $p$, which is holomorphic in $D\left(0, \frac1{|p|}\right)$.
- Let $f(z)=\frac{\ln^2 z}{1+z^2}$ where $\ln z$ is a holomorphic branch to be chosen later. Set up contour as the following. Let $0<Ξ΅<R$ where $Ξ΅<1$ and $R>1$. The contour $Ξ$ consists of the upper semi-circle $C_R$ with center zero and radius $R$, starting at $R$ to $-R$, which has a parameterization $z=R e^{i ΞΈ}, ΞΈ: 0 β Ο$ and $d z=i R e^{i ΞΈ} d ΞΈ$. The second part $Ξ_2$ is the section along the real line $[-R,-Ξ΅]$, and the 3rd part $Ξ_3$ is $[Ξ΅, R]$, both has parameterization $z=x$ and $d z=d x$. The last part is the small semi-circle $C_Ξ΅^-$ center at 0 with radius $Ξ΅$, with clock-wise orientation, so that it has parameterization $z=Ξ΅ e^{i t}$ where $t: Ο β 0$, and $d z=i Ξ΅ e^{i t} d t$
Choose a holomorphic branch $\ln z$ so that it is holomorphic inside the contour, so we may choose
\ln z=\ln |z|+i \arg z, \text { with }-\frac{Ο}2<\arg z<\frac{3 Ο}2
Then $f$ has one simple pole $i$ inside the contour $Ξ$, whose residue
\operatorname{Res}(f, i)=\left.\frac{\ln^2 z}{\left(1+z^2\right)'}\right|_{z=i}=\frac{\ln^2 i}{2 i}=\frac1{2 i}\left(\frac{Ο}2 i\right)^2=-\frac1{2 Ο i} \frac{Ο^3}{4}
so that by Residue Theorem
β«_{Ξ} f(z) d z=2 Ο i \operatorname{Res}(f, i)=-\frac{Ο^3}{4}
On the other hand,
\nonumber&β«_{Ξ_2} f(z) d z+β«_{Ξ_3} f(z) d z\\\nonumber&=β«_{-R}^{-Ξ΅} \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x+β«_Ξ΅^R \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x\\
&\nonumber=β«_{-R}^{-Ξ΅} \frac{(\ln |x|+i Ο)^2}{1+x^2} d x+β«_Ξ΅^R \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x\\
&=2 Ο i β«_Ξ΅^R \frac{\ln x}{1+x^2} d x-Ο^2 β«_Ξ΅^R \frac1{1+x^2} d x+2 β«_Ξ΅^R \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x
While the path integral
β«_{C_R} f(z) d z=β«_0^Ο \frac{(\ln R+i ΞΈ)^2}{1+R^2 e^{2 ΞΈ i}} i R e^{i ΞΈ} d ΞΈ
so that
\left|β«_{C_R} f(z) d z\right|β€Ο \frac{(\ln R+Ο)^2}{R^2-1} R β 0 \text { as } R β β
β«_{C_Ξ΅^-} f(z) d z=-β«_0^Ο \frac{(\ln Ξ΅+i t)^2}{1+Ξ΅^2 e^{2 t i}} i Ξ΅ e^{i t} d t
so that
\left|β«_{C_Ξ΅^-} f(z) d z\right|β€Ο \frac{(\ln Ξ΅+Ο)^2}{1-Ξ΅^2} Ξ΅β 0\text{ as }Ξ΅ β 0
Therefore by letting $Ξ΅ β 0$ then by letting $R β β$ in (2) to obtain
2 Ο i β«_0^β \frac{\ln x}{1+x^2} d x-Ο^2 β«_0^β \frac1{1+x^2} d x+2 β«_0^β \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x=\lim_{\substack{R β β\\Ξ΅ β 0}} β«_{Ξ} f(z) d z=-\frac{Ο^3}{4}
Therefore we must have, by comparing the real parts of two sides in the above equation,
-Ο^2 β«_0^β \frac1{1+x^2} d x+2 β«_0^β \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x=-\frac{Ο^3}{4}
so that
2 β«_0^β \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x=Ο^2 β«_0^β \frac1{1+x^2} d x-\frac{Ο^3}{4}=Ο^2 \frac{Ο}2-\frac{Ο^3}{4}=\frac{Ο^3}{4}
and therefore
β«_0^β \frac{\ln^2 x}{1+x^2} d x=\frac{Ο^3}{8}
- By Taylor's expansion
f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^β a_n(z-a)^n
for all $z$ such that $|z-a|<r$, where $r>0$ is any such that $D(a, r) β D(0,1)$. If $f$ is not identically equal to zero, then not all $a_n=0$, thus, there is $m$ such that $a_m β 0$ but $a_l=0$ for any $l<m$. Hence
f(z)=(z-a)^m \sum_{n=k}^β a_k(z-a)^{n-m}=(z-a)^m g(z)
where $g(z)=\sum_{n=k}^β a_n(z-a)^{n-m}$ which is holomorphic and $g(a) β 0$. If $f$ is not identically equal to zero, then $a$ is an isolated zero, so that $a$ is an isolated singularity of $f' / f$. In fact, since $f'(z)=m(z-a)^{m-1} g(z)+(z-a)^m g'(z)$, so that
\frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} &=\frac{m(z-a)^{m-1} g(z)+(z-a)^m g'(z)}{(z-a)^m g(z)} \\
Since $g(a) β 0$, so $g' / g$ is holomorphic near $a$, thus $a$ is a simple pole of $f' / f$.
- Similar to (i), if $a$ is a zero of $f$, then
Ο(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} &=Ο(z) \frac{m(z-a)^{m-1} g(z)+(z-a)^m g'(z)}{(z-a)^m g(z)} \\
&=\frac{m}{z-a} Ο(z)+Ο(z) \frac{g'(z)}{g(z)} .
Since $g(a) β 0$ and $g$ and $Ο$ are holomorphic, so that $a$ is a simple pole of $Ο(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}$, whose residue equals
\lim_{z β a}(z-a) Ο(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} &=\lim_{z β a} m Ο(z)+\lim_{z β a}(z-a) Ο(z) \frac{g'(z)}{g(z)} \\
&=m Ο(a) .
Therefore, according to the Residue Theorem
\frac1{2 Ο i} β«_{C(0,1)} Ο(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)} d z=\sum_{i=1}^k \operatorname{Res}\left(Ο(z) \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}, a_i\right)=\sum_{i=1}^k m_i Ο\left(a_i\right)
which completes the proof.
- By the basic properties of MΓΆbius transformations, if $h$ maps $H$ onto $D$, and sends $a$ to 0, then $h$ sends $\bar{a}$ to $β$, so that
h(z)=e^{i ΞΈ} \frac{z-a}{z-\bar{a}}
where $ΞΈ$ is real. The inverse of $h$ maps $D$ onto $H$. To work out the inverse of $h$ explicitly. Let $w=h(z)$. Then
e^{-i ΞΈ} w=\frac{z-a}{z-\bar{a}}
solves $z$ to obtain
z=\frac{\bar{a} w-a e^{i ΞΈ}}{w-e^{i ΞΈ}}
- Let $w=Ο(z)$, where $|Ξ±| β 1$. Then
|w|^2-1 &=\frac{z-Ξ±}{1-\bar{Ξ±} z} \frac{\bar{z}-\bar{Ξ±}}{1-Ξ± \bar{z}}-1 \\
&=\frac{\left(1-|Ξ±|^2\right)\left(|z|^2-1\right)}{1-\bar{Ξ±} z-Ξ± \bar{z}+|Ξ±|^2|z|^2} \\
&=\frac{1-|Ξ±|^2}{|1-\bar{Ξ±} z|^2}\left(|z|^2-1\right)
so that, if $|Ξ±|<1$, then $|w|<1$ if and only if $|z|<1$.
If $|Ξ±|>1$, then $|w|>1$ if and only if $|z|<1$. That is, if $|Ξ±|<1$, then $Ο(D)=D$, and if $|Ξ±|>1$ then $Ο(D)=D^c$.
- The circle $|z|=1$ intersects the real axis at $Β±1$, thus we first apply the MΓΆbius transformation $f_1$ which sends 1 to $0$, $-1$ to $β$, that is
Now $i$βupper semi-circle $\{z:|z|=1,\operatorname{Im} z>0\}$, and
so the unit circle is mapped to the imaginary axis.
$0 β$real axis, and $f_1(0)=-1$, so $f_1$ maps the real axis to real axis.
Choose a point say $i / 2$ inside the domain $R$. Since
f\left(\frac{i}2\right)=\frac{i-2}{i+2}=\frac{(i-2)(-i+2)}{5}=\frac{-3+4 i}{5}
we thus may conclude that
f_1(R)=\{z=x+i y: y>0, x<0\}
Let $f_2(z)=e^{-\frac{Ο}2 i} z=-i z$, so that
f_2 β f_1(R)=\{z=x+i y: y>0, x>0\}
and then apply $f_3(z)=z^2$, so that
f_3 β f_2 β f_1(z)=\left(-i \frac{z-1}{z+1}\right)^2=-\left(\frac{z-1}{z+1}\right)^2
maps $R$ to $H$. Therefore, by part a)
f(z)=e^{i ΞΈ} \frac{-\left(\frac{z-1}{z+1}\right)^2-a}{-\left(\frac{z-1}{z+1}\right)^2-\bar{a}}
maps $R$ one-to-one onto the unit disk $D$, for arbitrary $ΞΈββ,a β H$.