Simplicial complexes
(1) Show that the following space (the βDunce hatβ) can be triangulated.

(2) Show that the following subspace of β2 cannot be triangulated:$$X=\{(x, y): 0β€yβ€1, \text { and } x=0\text { or } 1/n, \text { for some } nββ\}βͺ([0,1]Γ\{0\})$$
(1) it has the following triangulation. The vertices with the same label are identified.
(2) Show that the following subspace of β2 cannot be triangulated:$$X=\{(x, y): 0β€yβ€1, \text { and } x=0\text { or } 1/n, \text { for some } nββ\}βͺ([0,1]Γ\{0\})$$
We check that the 2-simplices {1,2,4},{1,2,7},{1,2,8},{1,3,4},{1,3,5},{1,3,6},{1,5,6},{1,7,8},{2,3,5},{2,3,7},{2,3,8},{2,4,5},{3,4,8},{3,6,7},{4,5,6},{4,6,8},{6,7,8} are distinct.
The following two are not triangulation
(2) We prove for any finite simplicial complex $K$, $|K|$ is locally connected[any point x β |K| and any open set U containing x, there is a connected open set V such that x β V β U].
Let $xβ{|K|}$ and suppose that $U$ is an open set containing $x$. Let $D$ be the disjoint union of simplices from which $|K|$ is obtained, and let $q:Dβ{|K|}$ be the quotient map. The restriction of $q$ to the insides of the simplices in $D$ is a bijection, so there is exactly one simplex $Ο$ in $D$ such that $xβq(\operatorname{inside}(Ο))$.
$q^{-1}(x)βq^{-1}(U)β©\operatorname{inside}(Ο)$ is open in $Οβq(q^{-1}(U)β©\operatorname{inside}(Ο))βx$ is connected, open in $|K|$.
We prove the comb space $X$ is not locally connected. (0,1) β X. Suppose the open set $B((0,1),1)$ contains an open set $U$, let $p_xU$ be the x-projection of $U$. Let $n$ such that $\frac1nβp_xU$, then $p_xU$ is disconnected by $\Set{xβp_xU:xβ€\frac1{n+1}}$ and $\Set{xβp_xU:xβ₯\frac1n}$, so $U$ is disconnected.
Note. $X$ is path connected but not locally connected. After $\{0\}Γ[0,1]$ removed, the space$$\{(x, y): 0β€yβ€1, \text { and } x=1/n, \text { for some } nββ\}βͺ([0,1]Γ\{0\})$$is locally connected[as $p_xB\left((\frac1n,1),\frac1n-\frac1{n+1}\right)=\Set{\frac1n}$] and path connected.
Let $K$ be a simplicial complex (that need not be finite). Prove that $|K|$ is Hausdorff.
The $N$-simplex spanned by $a_0,β¦,a_n$ is the set of all $xββ^N$ such that $x=\sum_{i=0}^n Ξ»_ia_i$, where $\sum_{i=0}^n Ξ»_i=1,Ξ»_iβ₯0βi$. The numbers $Ξ»_i$ are uniquely determined by $x$.Define a function $t_{a_i}:{|K|}β[0,1]$ by $t_{a_i}(x)=Ξ»_i$ if $xβΟ$ and 0 if $xβΟ$. Then $t_{a_i}$ is continuous.
$|K|$ is Hausdorff: Let $x,yβ{|K|},xβ y$, so β vertex $v:t_v(x)β t_v(y)$. Take $rββ$ between $t_v(x),t_v(y)$. Then $t_v^{-1}[0,r),t_v^{-1}(r,1]$ are disjoint open neighborhood of $x,y$.
Let $X_1, X_2$ be disjoint copies of $β^2$. We define an equivalence relation βΌ on $Y=X_1βX_2$ by: $\left(x_1, y_1\right) \in X_1$ is equivalent to $\left(x_2, y_2\right) \in X_2$ if and only if $x_1=x_2, y_1=y_2$ and $\left(x_1, y_1\right),\left(x_2, y_2\right)$ are not equal to $(0,0)$. Show that every point in $Y/\mmlToken{mi}βΌ$ is contained in an open set homeomorphic to an open subset of β2 but $Y/\mmlToken{mi}βΌ$ is not a surface.
$β^2β\{0\}$ is not closed, by sheet3 Q5, $Y/\mmlToken{mi}βΌ$ is not Hausdorff.The map $f:X_1βX_2,f((x,y)_1)=(x,y)_2$ is a homeomorphism.
For any $xβX_1$ [including $(0,0)_1$], let $Uβx$ open in $X_1$ [$U$ possibly contains $(0,0)_1$], then $Uβ q(U)βq(x)$ and $q^{-1}(q(U))=Uβͺf(Uβ\{(0,0)_1\})$ is open in $Y$, so $q(U)$ is open in $Y/\mmlToken{mi}βΌ$.
Similarly, for any $xβX_2$, $q(x)$ is contained in an open set $q(U)$ homeomorphic to $U$ an open set of $X_2$.
Find an example of a connected, finite, simplicial complex $K$ that is not a closed combinatorial surface, but that satisfies the following three conditions:
Take a triangulation of the sphere. Then glue two of the vertices together in such a way that the result is still a simplicial complex. This can't be done for the tetrahedron since every pair of vertices share an edge, but is possible for larger triangulations.- It contains only 0-simplices, 1-simplices and 2-simplices.
- Every 1-simplex is a face of precisely two 2-simplices.
- Every point of $|K|$ lies in a 2-simplex.
Any sufficiently small neighborhood can be disconnected by removing the point, whereas in a disk no point can be removed to make it disconnected. So the result is not a closed combinatorial surface.
It clearly satisfies (1)(3). Every 1-simplex is a 1-simplex of the original triangulation, so is a face of precisely two 2-simplices, so (2) is satisfied.
A simple closed curve $C$ in a space $X$ is the image of a continuous injection $S^1βX$. Find simple closed curves $C_1, C_2$ and $C_3$ in the Klein bottle $K$ such that
- $KβC_1$ has one component, which is homeomorphic to an open annulus $S^1Γ(0,1)$.
- $KβC_2$ has one component, which is homeomorphic to an open MΓΆbius band.
- $KβC_3$ has two components, each of which is homeomorphic to an open MΓΆbius band.
- Let $C_1$ be the horizontal line $\{\{(y,0),(1-y,1)\}:yβ(0,1)\}$. Then $KβC_1=$
- Let $C_2$ be the vertical line $\{\{(0,y),(1,y)\}:yβ(0,1)\}$. Then $KβC_2=$
- Let $C_3$ be the dashed line
$KβC_3=$We have to glue the red arrows
The following polygon with side identifications is homeomorphic to which surface?
[regular hexagon can tessellate $β^2$ by translation in 2 directions, so this torus is a quotient of $β^2$ by translation in 2 directions]It's homeomorphic to a torus, we can see it directly
Alternatively, label the edges by $x,y,z$, represent the surface by $yzx^{-1}y^{-1}z^{-1}x$ and use Lemma 5.23 \[y{\color{red}\underbrace{zx^{-1}}_\text{swap}}y^{-1}z^{-1}x=yx^{-1}zy^{-1}z^{-1}x=yx^{-1}zy^{-1}(x^{-1}z)^{-1}\text{ is a torus}\]
Suppose that the sphere π2 is given the structure of a closed combinatorial surface. Let $C$ be a subcomplex that is a simplicial circle. Suppose that $π^2βC$ has two components. Indeed, suppose that this is true for every simplicial circle in π2. Let $E$ be one of these components. [In fact, $π^2βC$ must have 2 components, but we will not attempt to prove this.]
Our aim is to show that $\bar{E}$ is homeomorphic to a disc. This is a version of the Jordan curve theorem.
We'll prove this by induction on the number of 2-simplices in $\bar{E}$. Our actual inductive hypothesis is: There is a homeomorphism from $\bar{E}$ to $π»^2$, which takes $C$ to the boundary circle $βπ»^2$.Suppose now that $v$ lies in $C$. How do we complete the proof in this case?
[The actual Jordan curve theorem is rather stronger than this. It deals with simple closed curves $C$ in π2, which need to be simplicial. It states that $π^2βC$ has two components, and that, for each component $E$ of $π^2βC$, the closure of $E$ is homeomorphic to $π»^2$, with the homeomorphism taking $C$ to $βπ»^2$.]
We assumed $π^2βC$ have two components so it is a disjoint union $π^2βC=EβE'$ where $E,E'$ are connected.
Our aim is to show that $\bar{E}$ is homeomorphic to a disc. This is a version of the Jordan curve theorem.
We'll prove this by induction on the number of 2-simplices in $\bar{E}$. Our actual inductive hypothesis is: There is a homeomorphism from $\bar{E}$ to $π»^2$, which takes $C$ to the boundary circle $βπ»^2$.
- Let $Ο_1$ be a 1-simplex in $C$. Since π2 is a closed combinatorial surface, $Ο_1$ is adjacent to two 2-simplices. Show that precisely one of these 2-simplices lies in $\bar{E}$. Call this 2-simplex $Ο_2$.
- Start the induction by showing that if $\bar{E}$ contains at most one 2-simplex, then $\bar{E}=Ο_2$.
- Let $v$ be the vertex of $Ο_2$ not lying in $Ο_1$. Let's suppose that $v$ does not lie in $C$. Show how to construct a subcomplex $C'$ of π2, that is a simplicial circle, and that has the following properties:
- $π^2βC'$ has two components;
- one of these components $F$ is a subset of $E$;
- $\bar{F}$ contains fewer 2-simplices than $\bar{E}$.
- Since the interior of every 2-simplex $Ο_2$ is connected, either $\mathring{Ο_2}βE$ or $\mathring{Ο_2}βE'$. If $\mathring{Ο_2}βE$ then $Ο_2β\bar E$ [since $Ο_2$ is closed].
- $Ο_2$ is the only 2-simplex in $\bar{E}$. If $\bar E$ contain other vertices, then it lies in $C$ (otherwise $\bar E$ would have other 2-simplices) so $Ο_2=\bar{E}$.
- Let $v_1,v_2$ be vertices of $Ο_1$. Replacing $Ο_1$ with two 1-simplices $v_1,v$ and $v,v_2$, we get a simplicial circle $C'$, and $\bar{F}$ contains fewer 2-simplices (all 2-simplices of $\bar E$ except $Ο_2$), apply induction hypothesis to $\bar F$: There is a homeomorphism from $\bar{F}$ to $π»^2$, which takes $C'$ to the boundary circle $βπ»^2$.
$\bar E=\bar FβͺΟ_2$. Since gluing two disks along an edge gives a disk, $\bar E$ is homeomorphic to $π»^2$. - WLOG one of edges $(v,v_1)$ of $Ο_2$ is not on $C$ (if both lie on $C$ β part 2)
Since $C$ is a simplicial circle, we can list its 1-simplices in order $Ο^1_1,β¦,Ο^m_1$ where $Ο_1=\{v_1,v_2\}$ and $βi$ such that $Ο^i_1$ ends at $v$. We get two simplicial circles $C_1=\{v,v_1\}βͺΟ^1_1βͺβ―βͺΟ^i_1$ and $C_2=Ο^{i+1}_1βͺβ―βͺΟ^m_1βͺ\{v_1,v\}$. They have the following properties:- $π^2βC_k$ has two components $F_k$
- one of $F_k$ is a subset of $E$
- $\bar{F}_k$ has fewer 2-simplices than $\bar{E}$
$\bar{F}_1β©\bar{F}_2=\{v,v_1\}$, so $\bar{F}_1βͺ\bar{F}_2β π»^2$, since gluing two disks along an edge is homeomorphic to a disk.
PREVIOUSTopology problem sheet 3
NEXTTube lemma