Find the communicating classes of Markov chains with the following transition matrices on the state space $\{1,2,3,4,5\}$, and in each case determine which classes are closed:
\[\text{(i) }\begin{pmatrix}\frac12 & 0 & 0 & 0 &\frac12\\ 0 &\frac12& 0 &\frac12& 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 &\frac14&\frac14&\frac14&\frac14\\\frac12& 0 & 0 & 0 &\frac12\end{pmatrix}
\text{(ii) }\begin{pmatrix}\frac14 & 0 &\frac34& 0 & 0 \\ 0 &\frac13& 0 &\frac23& 0 \\ 0 & 0 &\frac12& 0 &\frac12\\\frac12&\frac16& 0 &\frac13& 0 \\\frac14& 0 &\frac12& 0 &\frac14\end{pmatrix}\]
If $X$ is a chain with the transition matrix in (ii), find the distribution of $X_1$ when $X_0$ has the uniform distribution on $\{1,2,3,4,5\}$, and find $P\left(X_2=3∣X_0=1\right)$.
communicating class for markov chain ≡ connected component for directed graph
(i) communicating classes: $\{1,5\},\{3\}$ are closed, $\{2,4\}$ is open.
(ii) communicating class: $\{1,3,5\}$ is closed, $\{2,4\}$ is open.
 | \begin{array}lλ_1=λ_0P=\pmatrix{\frac15&\frac15&\frac15&\frac15&\frac15}\begin{pmatrix}\frac14 & 0 &\frac34& 0 & 0 \\ 0 &\frac13& 0 &\frac23& 0 \\ 0 & 0 &\frac12& 0 &\frac12\\\frac12&\frac16& 0 &\frac13& 0 \\\frac14& 0 &\frac12& 0 &\frac14\end{pmatrix}=\pmatrix{\frac15&\frac{1}{10}&\frac{7}{20}&\frac15&\frac{3}{20}}\\ℙ\left(X_2=3∣X_0=1\right)=\left(P^2\right)_{1,3}=\frac14⋅\frac34+\frac34⋅\frac12=\frac9{16}\end{array} |
$N$ black balls and $N$ white balls are distributed between two urns, numbered 1 and 2 , so that each urn contains $N$ balls. At each step, one ball is chosen at random from each urn and the two chosen balls are exchanged. Let $X_n$ be the number of white balls in urn 1 after $n$ steps. Find the transition matrix for the Markov chain $X$.
| urn 1 | urn 2 |
white | $X_n$ | $N-X_n$ |
black | $N-X_n$ | $X_n$ |
chosen ball of urn 1 | chosen ball of urn 2 | probability | $X_{n+1}$ |
white | white | $X_n(N-X_n)\over N^2$ | $X_n$ |
white | black | $X_n^2\over N^2$ | $X_n-1$ |
black | white | $(N-X_n)^2\over N^2$ | $X_n+1$ |
black | black | $X_n(N-X_n)\over N^2$ | $X_n$ |
A die is "fixed" so that each time it is rolled the score cannot be the same as the preceding score, all other scores having probablity $1/5$. If the first score is 6 , what are ℙ($n$th score is 6) and ℙ($n$th score is 1) ? [Hint: you can simplify things by selecting an appropriate state-space; do you really need a 6-state chain to answer the question?]
Group the six states into the two states: "6" and "not 6".
Eigenvalues are $1,-\frac15$, corresponding eigenvectors are $\pmatrix{1\\1},\pmatrix{-5\\1}$\[P=UDU⇒P^n=UD^nU^{-1}=\frac16\pmatrix{1+5(-5)^{-n} & 5-5(-5)^{-n}\\1-(-5)^{-n} &5+(-5)^{-n}}⇒\pmatrix{1&0}P^{n-1}=\frac16\pmatrix{1+5(-5)^{-n+1} & 5-5(-5)^{-n+1}}\]∴ ℙ($n$th score is $6)=\frac{1+5(-5)^{-n+1}}6$, ℙ($n$th score is $1)=\frac15$ℙ($n$th score is not $6)=\frac{1-(-5)^{-n+1}}6$.
Let $X_n, n≥1$, be i.i.d. $ℙ\left(X_n=1\right)=p, ℙ\left(X_n=-1\right)=1-p$, where $p∈(0,1)$. For each of the following, decide if $\left(Y_n\right)$ is a Markov chain. If so, find its transition probabilities.
(a) $Y_n=X_n$.
(b) $Y_n=S_n$ where $S_n=X_1+X_2+⋯+X_n$.
(c) $Y_n=M_n$ where $M_n=\max \left(0, S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_n\right)$.
(d) $Y_n=M_n-S_n$.
(e) $Y_n=X_n X_{n+1}$.
By Proposition 5.4, it suffices to find $f$ such that $Y_{n+1}=f\left(Y_n, X_{n+1}\right)$
(a) Yes. $f(Y_n,X_{n+1})=X_{n+1}$.
(b) Yes. $f(Y_n,X_{n+1})=Y_n+X_{n+1}$.
(c) No. $ℙ(M_4=2∣M_1=0,M_2=0,M_3=1)=ℙ(M_4=2∣X_1=-1,X_2=1,X_3=1)=ℙ(X_4=1)=p$

(d) Yes. Since $M_{n+1}-S_{n+1}=\max\left(M_n,S_{n+1}\right)-S_{n+1}=\max\left(M_n-S_n-X_{n+1},0\right)$,
(e) $p=\frac12$: Yes. We'll show $Y_i$ are independent, so $(Y_n)∼\text{Markov}\pmatrix{\frac12&\frac12\\\frac12&\frac12}$
$Y_n=X_nX_{n+1},Y_{n+k}=X_{n+k}X_{n+k+1},k>1$ are independent, since $X_i$ are independent. It remains to show $Y_n,Y_{n+1}$ are independent
Similarly $ℙ(Y_n=1\&Y_{n+1}=-1)=ℙ(Y_n=1)ℙ(Y_{n+1}=-1)$ and $ℙ(Y_n=-1\&Y_{n+1}=-1)=ℙ(Y_n=-1)ℙ(Y_{n+1}=-1)$.
$p≠\frac12$: No. $ℙ(X_{2n}X_{2n+1}=1∣X_{2n-1}X_{2n}=1,X_{2n-2}X_{2n-1}=1,⋯,X_2X_1=1)=ℙ(X_{2n+1}=⋯=X_1∣X_{2n}=⋯=X_1)=\frac{p^{2n+1}+(1-p)^{2n+1}}{p^{2n}+(1-p)^{2n}}→\max(p,1-p)$
Since $ℙ(X_{2n}=-X_{2n-1}=⋯=-X_1=1)=ℙ(X_{2n}=-X_{2n-1}=⋯=-X_1=-1)$,
Let $C$ be a communicating class of a Markov chain. Prove the following statements:
(a) Either all states in $C$ are recurrent, or all are transient.
(b) If $C$ is recurrent then $C$ is closed.
(c) If $C$ is finite and closed, then $C$ is recurrent.
(a) if $i↔j$ then $∃k,m≥0:P^k_{ij}>0,P^m_{ji}>0$. Furthermore, for any $n≥0$, one way to get from $j$ to $j$ in $m+n+k$ steps is by going from $j$ to $i$ in $m$ steps, then from $i$ to $i$ in $n$ steps, and then from $i$ to $j$ in $k$ steps, thus,$$P_{jj}^{m+n+k}≥P_{j i}^mP_{ii}^nP_{ij}^k$$If $i$ is recurrent, by Theorem 5.8, $∑^∞_{n=0} P_{ii}^n= ∞$, by comparison test, $∑^∞_{n=0}P^{m+n+k}_{jj} = ∞$, so $∑^∞_{ℓ=0}P^ℓ_{jj} = ∞$, by Theorem 5.8, $j$ is recurrent.
(b) If $i∈C,i→j$, then $∃n_0:ℙ_i(X_{n_0}=j)>0$. By recurrence of $i$, $ℙ_i(∃n>n_0:X_n=i)=1$, so $ℙ_i(∃n>n_0:X_n=i∣X_{n_0}=j)=1$, so $j→i$, so $C$ is closed.
(c) Start from any state from $C$. Since $C$ is closed, the chain stays in $C$ forever. If all states in $C$ are transient, then each of them is visited only finitely many times. This is impossible.
A gambler has £8 and wants to increase it to £10 in a hurry. He can repeatedly stake money on the toss of a fair coin; when the coin comes down tails, he loses his stake, and when the coin comes down heads, he wins an amount equal to his stake, and his stake is returned.
He decides to use a strategy in which he stakes all his money if he has less than £5, and otherwise stakes just enough to increase his capital to £10 if he wins. For example, he will stake £2 on the first coin toss, and afterwards will have either £6 or £10.
(a) Let £$X_n$ be his capital after the $n$th coin toss. Show how to describe the sequence $\left(X_n, n≥0\right)$ as a Markov chain.
(b) Find the expected number of coin tosses until he either reaches £10 or loses all his money.
(c) Show that he reaches £10 with probability $4/5$.
(d) Show that the probability that he wins the first coin toss, given that he eventually reaches £10, is $5/8$. Extend this to describe the distribution of the whole sequence $X_0, X_1, X_2, …$ conditional on the event that he reaches £10.
(e) Now let $\left(X_n, n ≥ 0\right)$ be a Markov chain on ℕ with $p_{0,0}=1$ and $p_{i, i+1}=p=1-p_{i, i-1}$ for $i ≥ 1$. Let $p>1 / 2$ so that the process has an upward bias. Start at $X_0=j>0$. In lectures we showed that the probability of absorption at 0 is $\left(\frac{1-p}{p}\right)^j$. Describe the distribution of $\left(X_n, n ≥ 0\right)$ conditional on the event of being absorbed at 0 .
(a) The states are $X_n=2i,i=0,1,⋯,5$.\[P=\begin{pmatrix}1&0&0&0&0&0\\\frac12&0&\frac12&0&0&0\\\frac12&0&0&0&\frac12&0\\0&\frac12&0&0&0&\frac12\\0&0&0&\frac12&0&\frac12\\0&0&0&0&0&1\end{pmatrix}\]
By Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, $ℙ(X_n=2i)=(P^n)_{4,i}$
(b) Let $e_i$ be the expected time if initial capital is $i$. Solving the linear equations\begin{cases}e_2=1+\frac12e_4\\e_4=1+\frac12e_8\\e_6=1+\frac12e_2\\e_8=1+\frac12e_6\end{cases}we get $e_2=e_4=e_6=e_8=2$, so $e_8=2$ is the answer.
Alternate solution: there is 1/2 chance of finishing game per turn (either hit 0 or 10)$⇒e_2,e_4,e_6,e_8∼$Geom(1/2)$⇒𝔼[e_i]=\frac1{1-1/2}=2$
(c) Let $h_i$ be the hitting probability of 10 from $i$. Solving the linear equations
we get $h_i=\frac{i}{10}$. So $h_8=\frac45$.
(d) Define events: $A=${wins the first coin toss}, $B=${eventually reaches £10}. By (c), $ℙ(B)=\frac45$. Since $A⊂B$,\[ℙ(A∣B)=\frac{ℙ(A)}{ℙ(B)}=\frac{1/2}{4/5}=\frac58\]Extend this to describe distribution of $X_n$:
\[\tilde p_{ij}=\frac{ℙ(X_1=j\&B∣X_0=i)}{h_i}=\frac{ℙ(X_1=j∣X_0=i)ℙ(B∣X_1=j)}{h_i}=\frac{p_{ij}h_j}{h_i}\]
(e) To find the hitting probability $h_i$ of 0 from $i$, we need the minimal non-negative solution to
h_0 &=1 \\
h_i &=p h_{i+1}+q h_{i-1} \text { for } i≥1 .
\end{aligned}When $p>q$, has general solution$$h_i=\left(\frac{q}{p}\right)^i+\left(1-\left(\frac{q}{p}\right)^i\right)A$$
where $A$ is a constant. $h_i→A$ as $i→∞$, for $h_i≥0\,∀i$, we need $A≥0$. For a minimal solution, we will want $A=0, B=1$, since $1-\left(\frac{q}{p}\right)^i≥0\,∀i$. Hence $h_i=\left(\frac{q}{p}\right)^i$.
A Markov chain with state space $\{0,1,2,…\}$ is called a "birth-and-death chain" if the only non-zero transition probabilities from state $i$ are to states $i-1$ and $i+1$, except when $i=0$, where the only non-zero transition probabilities are to states 0 and 1.
Consider a general birth-and-death chain and write $p_i=p_{i, i+1}$ and $q_i=p_{i, i-1}=1-p_i$. Assume that $p_i$ and $q_i$ are positive for all $i≥1$.
Let $h_i$ be the probability of reaching 0 starting from $i$, and write $u_i=h_{i-1}-h_i$.
(a) Show that $p_i h_i+q_i h_i=h_i=p_i h_{i+1}+q_i h_{i-1}$. Deduce that $u_{i+1}=\frac{q_i}{p_i} u_i$, for all $i≥1$.
(b) Define $γ_i=\frac{q_1}{p_1} \frac{q_2}{p_2}⋯\frac{q_{i-1}}{p_{i-1}}$.
Write $u_i$ in terms of $γ_i$ and $u_1$, and then $h_i$ in terms of $γ_1, …, γ_i$ and $u_1$.
(c) The equations for $h_1, h_2, …$ may have multiple solutions. Which solution gives the true hitting probabilities? Hence find the value of $u_1$. Further assuming that $p_{0,1}>0$, deduce that the chain is transient if and only if $∑_{i=1}^∞ γ_i$ is finite.
(d) Consider the case where
p_i=\left(\frac{i+1}i\right)^2 q_i .
Show that if $X_0=1$, then $ℙ\left(X_n≥1\text{ for all }n≥1\right)=6/π^2$.
(a) $p_i+q_i=1⇒p_i h_i+q_i h_i=h_i$.
$h_i=ℙ(X_1=i+1)ℙ(\text{reach 0 start from }i+1)+ℙ(X_1=i-1)ℙ(\text{reach 0 start from }i-1)=p_i h_{i+1}+q_i h_{i-1}$
$p_i h_i+q_i h_i=h_i=p_i h_{i+1}+q_i h_{i-1}⇒p_i(h_i-h_{i+1})=q_i(h_{i-1}-h_i)⇒u_{i+1}=\frac{q_i}{p_i} u_i$
(b) From the recurrence relation $u_{i+1}=\frac{q_i}{p_i} u_i$, we have $u_i=γ_iu_1$ for $i≥1$, so $h_i=h_0-u_1-⋯-u_i=1-(γ_1+⋯+γ_i)u_1$
(c) The true hitting probabilities are the minimal nonnegative solutions. $h_n≥0⇒u_1≤1/∑_{i=1}^n γ_i⇒u_1=1/∑_{i=1}^∞ γ_i$
If $∑_{i=1}^∞ γ_i=∞$ then $u_1=0⇒h_i=1∀i⇒$recurrent
If $∑_{i=1}^∞ γ_i=C$ then $u_1=1/C⇒h_0< 1∀i⇒$transient
(d) $γ_i=\frac{q_1}{p_1} \frac{q_2}{p_2}⋯\frac{q_{i-1}}{p_{i-1}}=\frac{1^2}{2^2}\frac{2^2}{3^2}⋯\frac{(i-1)^2}{i^2}=\frac1{i^2}⇒u_1=1/∑_{i=1}^∞\frac1{i^2}=\frac6{π^2}$