- Let $G$ be a finite group with $m$ conjugacy classes. Explain why$$\sum_{g∈G}\left|C_G(g)\right|=m{|G|}.$$Deduce that the probability that two randomly chosen elements of $G$ commute is $m /{|G|}$. Comment on this formula when $G$ is Abelian.
Using the Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem,$$\sum_{g∈G}\left|C_G(g)\right|=\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{g∈C_i}\left|C_G(g)\right|=\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{g∈C_i}\frac{|G|}{|C_i|}=\sum_{i=1}^m{|C_i|}·\frac{|G|}{|C_i|}=m{|G|}$$The probability that two randomly chosen elements of $G$ commute is $\frac1{|G|}\sum_{g∈G}\frac{C_G(g)}{|G|}=\frac m{|G|}$. When $G$ is Abelian, conjugacy classes are singletons, so $m={|G|}$, so the probability is 1.
This formula appears as Theorem Ⅳ in This Paper by P. Erdos :And its proof is in Appendix I:For the ‘special commutator equation’$$X Y X^{-1} Y^{-1}=E \quad(E \text { unitelement })$$the number of solutions is the number of commutable pairs in $S_{n}$. As to this we found with Vera T. Sós that this number is$$n ! p(n)$$$p(n)$ being the number of partitions of $n$. More generally we assert the
THEOREM Ⅳ. The number of coraamutable $(a, b)$ pairs ($(X, Y)$ and $(Y, X)$ are counted as different solutions if $X≠Y$.) from an arbitrary group $G$ of order $N$ is $Nk$ where $k$ stands for the number of conjugacy classes in $G$.
COROLLARY I. In an arbitrary group of order $N$ the number of commutable pairs (with the above concention) is at least $N \log_2 \log_2 N$. By other words a finite group cannot be “too non-commutative”.The generalized problem “On The Number Of Commuting k-Tuples In A Group Of Order n” appears in This Paper by P. Erdos :Let us consider a fixed conjugacy-class $Q_j$ of $G$ containing $|Q_j|$ elements ; let $α$ be one of its elements and $C(α)$ its centraliser, containing $|C(α)|$ elements. Hence $α$ commutes in $G$ with $\left(\frac{N}{\left|Q_{j}\right|}-1\right)$ elements, different from $α$. Since the same holds for all elements of $Q_{j}$, the total number of commutable $(\alpha, \beta)$ pairs with $\alpha \in Q_{j}, \alpha \neq \beta$ is$$\left|Q_{j}\right|\left(\frac{N}{\left|Q_{j}\right|}-1\right)=N-\left|Q_{j}\right|$$Summation for $j=1,2, \ldots, k$ gives$$k N-\sum_{j=1}^{k}\left|Q_{j}\right|=k N-N .$$This gives the total number of commutable $(\alpha, \beta)$-pairs with $\alpha \neq \beta$; since we have $N$ further commutable pairs $(\alpha, \alpha)$, the proof of Theorem Ⅳ is finished.
In order to prove Corollary Ⅰ we appeal to the following well-known theorem (see [10]).
Let $2=\alpha_{1}<\alpha_{2}<\ldots$ be defined by the recursion$$\alpha_{v+1}=\alpha_{1} \alpha_{2} \ldots \alpha_{v}+1 .$$If for a fixed $v$ and positive integers $x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{v}$$$\frac{1}{x_{1}}+\frac{1}{x_{2}}+\ldots+\frac{1}{x_{v}}<1$$then$$\frac{1}{x_{1}}+\frac{1}{x_{2}}+\ldots+\frac{1}{x_{v}} \leqq 1-\frac{1}{\alpha_{v+1}-1} .$$THEOREM 2.1 The number of commuting pairs $\left(a_{1}, a_{2}\right)$ of elements of a group $G$ is$$A_{2}(G)=|G| c(G)\tag{2.2}$$where $c(G)$ is the number of conjugacy classes of $G$. Since $c(G)$ goes to infinity with $|G|$ it follows from (2.2) that, for example$$A_{2}(n)>n \log _{2} \log _{2} n .\tag{2.3}$$For the sake of completeness we include the simple proof.
Each $a \in G$ commutes with the elements of its centralizer $Z(a)$. So the number of commuting ordered pairs $(a, b)$ is $|Z(a)|$. This number clearly remains unchanged if $a$ is replaced by a conjugate element. Thus the number of commuting ordered pairs $\left(a', b'\right)$ with $a'\sim a$ is $|C(a)||Z(a)|=|G|$, where $C(a)$ is the conjugacy class of $a$. Summing over the $c(G)$ conjugacy classes gives us $|G| c(G)$ commuting ordered pairs.
We now first consider the number of $A_3(G)$ of commuting triples in $G$ and wish to show that for large $|G|$ that number is large compared to $A_2(G)$. For this purpose we observe that the number of conjugacy classes whose elements have centralizers of order $<\frac{1}{2} c(G)$ is certainly itself less than $\frac{1}{2} c(G)$ since each such class contains more than $2|G| / c(G)$ elements.
Restricting attention to those $a \in G$ with $|Z(a)| \geqslant \frac{1}{2} c(G)$ we see that each such $a$ belongs to $|Z(a)| c(Z(a))$ ordered commuting triples $(a, b, c)$ since $(b, c)$ can be any of the $|Z(a)| c(Z(a))$ commuting pairs in $Z(a)$.
Thus the number of ordered commuting triples $\left(a^{\prime}, b, c\right)$ with $a^{\prime} \equiv a$ is$$|C(a)||Z(a)| c(Z(a))=|G| c(Z(a)) \text {. }$$Summing over the conjugacy classes with centralizers of order $\geqslant \frac{1}{2} c(G)$ we get at least$$\frac{1}{2}|G| c(G) c(Z(a))>c_{2} A_{2}(G) \log \log c(G)$$ordered commuting triples.
THEOREM 2.4 Let $c(n)$ denote the minimal number of conjugacy classes in a group of order $\geqslant n$. Then the number of commuting ordered triples of elements of $G$ is$$A_{3}(G)>\frac{1}{2}|G| c(G) c\left(\frac{1}{2} c(G)\right)$$We can now iterate this process to obtain lower bounds for ordered commuting $k$-tuples of elements of a group $G$.
THEOREM 2.5 Let $c_l(n)$ be defined by $c_{1}(n)=c(n)$ and $c_{l+1}(n)=c\left(\frac{1}{2} c_{t}(n)\right)$. Then the number of commuting ordered $k$-tuples in a group $G$ satisfies$$A_{k}(G)>\frac{1}{2^{k-2}}|G| c(G) c_{2}(|G|) \ldots c_{k-1}(|G|)$$for all sufficiently large $|G|$. In particular if $A_{k}(n)$ is the minimal number of commuting ordered $k$-tuples in any group of order $\geqslant n$ we have$$A_{k}(n) \geqslant \frac{1}{2^{k-2}} n c_{1}(n) c_{2}(n) \ldots c_{k-1}(n) .$$Further we have$$A_{k}(G) / A_{k-1}(G) \rightarrow \infty \quad \text { as } \quad|G| \rightarrow \infty .$$ - Show that a regular hexagon's edges may be coloured red, white or blue in 92 essentially different ways.
How many ways are possible if an equal number of red, white and blue edges must appear?
The symmetry group of a regular hexagon is $D_{12}=⟨r,s⟩$, where $r$ is 60° rotation and $s$ is reflection through a longest diagonal.
(i) There are $3^6$ ways of colouring whilst labelled. Applying the orbit counting formula we arrive at the table
$$\frac{1}{12} \left(3^6+3^3+2 \left(3+3^2\right)+3\left(3^3+3^4\right)\right)=92$$ (ii) There are $\binom6{2,2,2}=90$ ways of colouring whilst labelled. Applying the orbit counting formula we arrive at the table$g$ conjugates $\operatorname{fix}(g)$ $e$ 1 $3^6$ $r^3$ 1 $3^3$ $r^{±1}$ 2 3 $r^{±2}$ 2 $3^2$ $r^{\text{odd}}s$ 3 $3^3$ $r^{\text{even}}s$ 3 $3^4$
$$\frac{1}{12} (90+6+3 (6+6))=11$$$g$ conjugates $\operatorname{fix}(g)$ $e$ 1 90 $r^3$ 1 $3!$ $r^{±1}$ 2 0 $r^{±2}$ 2 0 $r^{\text{odd}}s$ 3 6 $r^{\text{even}}s$ 3 6 - Let $n$ be an integer such that $n \geqslant 3$ and let $S$ be the set of all ordered triples of strictly positive integers $(x,y,z)$ whose sum is $n$. Show that $S$ has $\frac12(n-1)(n-2)$ elements.
Distinguishing cases, find the number of integer triples $(x, y, z)$ such that$$x+y+z=n \quad \text { and } \quad x⩾y⩾z>0.$$Solution.
(i) Consider the map $f((x, y, z))=\{x,x+y\}$ from $S$ to the set of 2-subsets of $\{1,2,⋯,n-1\}$, then $f^{-1}(\{x,y\})=(|x-y|,\max\{x,y\},n-x-y)$, so $f$ is bijective, so $|S|=\binom{n-1}2$
(ii) $S_3$ acts naturally on $S$ and in each orbit of this action there is a unique $(x,y,z)$ such that $x⩾y⩾z$. So the question is equivalent to finding the number of orbits of this action. Applying the orbit counting formula we arrive at the table
Therefore the number of triples is $\frac16\binom{n-1}2+\frac12×\begin{cases}\frac{n-2}2&2|n\\\frac{n-1}2&2\nmid n\end{cases}+\frac13×\begin{cases}1&3|n\\0&3\nmid n\end{cases}$$g$ conjugates $\operatorname{fix}(g)$ $e$ 1 $\binom{n-1}2$ (12) 3 \begin{cases}\frac{n-2}2&2|n\\\frac{n-1}2&2\nmid n\end{cases} (123) 2 \begin{cases}1&3|n\\0&3\nmid n\end{cases}
C program:
#include <stdio.h> int count(int N){ int count = 0; for(int x = N - 2; x > 0; x--){ for(int y = x; y > 0; y--){ int z = N - x - y; if(z <= y && z > 0){count++;} } } return count; } int main() { for(int N = 3; N <= 10; N++){ printf("When n = %i, number of triples is %i\n", N, count(N)); } return 0; }
When n = 3, number of triples is 1 When n = 4, number of triples is 1 When n = 5, number of triples is 2 When n = 6, number of triples is 3 When n = 7, number of triples is 4 When n = 8, number of triples is 5 When n = 9, number of triples is 7 When n = 10, number of triples is 8 - (i) Prove that the group of all symmetries of a regular tetrahedron is isomorphic to $S_4$.
(ii) In lectures, it was shown that the group of rotations of a cube is also isomorphic to $S_4$. Prove that these two groups are not conjugate when considered as subgroups of the group of isometries of 3d space.
(i) The symmetries of a regular tetrahedron permute the 4 vertices, which defines a homomorphism from the full tetrahedral group to $S_4$. For injectivity, the kernel comprises isometry of $\Bbb R^3$ that fix all 4 vertices of the tetrahedron which can only be identity map since every point of $\Bbb R^3$ is expressible as a linear combination of the 4 vertices. For surjectivity, we can use thattranspositions generate the finitary symmetric group
: let the vertices be $A,B,C,D$, for any two vertices $A,B$, let $E$ be the midpoint of $AB$, then reflection about the plane $CDE$ will transpose $A,B$ and fix $C,D$.
(ii) Because conjugation preserves parity of a permutation, and all even permutations in $S_4$ are in $A_4$. -
(i) A frame is made in the shape of a regular tetrahedron and its edges are each coloured with one of $n$ colours. Show that there are$$\frac{n^6+3 n^4+8 n^2}{12}$$essentially different colourings of this frame.
(ii) Show that the number of different (labelled) colourings of the frame that contain one or more monochromatic triangles is $4 n^4-6 n^2+3 n$.
(iii) Explain why these lead to$$\frac{n^{2}\left(n^{2}+2\right)}{3}$$essentially different tetrahedra with one or more monochromatic triangles.
(i) The rotational symmetry group of a regular tetrahedron is $A_4$. $A_4$ acts on the set of colourings of 6 edges of the tetrahedron. Applying the orbit counting formula we arrive at the table
$$\frac1{12}(n^6+3n^4+4n^2+4n^2)=\frac{n^6+3 n^4+8 n^2}{12}$$ (ii) There are 6 edges, given 1 monochromatic triangle, 3 edges left, so $n^4$ colourings; given 2 monochromatic triangle, 1 edges left, so $n^2$ colourings; given 3 or 4 monochromatic triangle, then all edges are of the same colour, so $n$ colourings. Use the inclusion-exclusion principle, the number of colourings of the frame that contain one or more monochromatic triangles is $\left|⋃_{1≤i≤4}T_i\right|=∑_{1≤i≤4}|T_i|-∑_{1≤i< j≤4}|T_i∩T_j|+∑_{1≤i< j< k≤4}|T_i∩T_j∩T_k|-|T_1∩T_2∩T_3∩T_4|=\binom41n^4-\binom42n^2+\binom43n-\binom44n=4 n^4-6 n^2+3 n$, where $T_i\,(i=1,2,3,4)$ is the set of colorings such that the $i$th triangle is monochromatic.$g$ conjugates $\operatorname{fix}(g)$ (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 1 $n^6$ (12)(34)(5)(6) 3 $n^4$ (123)(456) 4 $n^2$ (132)(465) 4 $n^2$
(iii) $A_4$ acts on the set of colourings of 6 edges of the tetrahedron with at least 1 monochromatic triangle. Applying the orbit counting formula we arrive at the table
$$\frac1{12}(4n^4-6n^2+3n+3(2n^2-n)+4n^2+4n^2)=\frac{1}{3} \left(n^4+2 n^2\right)$$ Another solution (I doubt whether it is correct):$g$ conjugates $\operatorname{fix}(g)$ (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 1 $4n^4-6n^2+3n$ (12)(34)(5)(6) 3 $2n^2-n$ (123)(456) 4 $n^2$ (132)(465) 4 $n^2$
Given one monochromatic triangle, consider the symmetries of the tetrahedra that fix this triangle, they are the identity and two 120° rotations about the axis through the center of this triangle, forming a group isomorphic to $C_3$. For the identity there are $n^4$ colourings (3 edges and the triangle), for each of the two rotations there are $n^2$ colourings (3 edges of the same color and the triangle), so the number of orbits is $\frac{1}{3} \left(n^4+2 n^2\right)$.
S1. What is the probability that two randomly chosen elements of $D_8$ commute?
$D_8$ has 5 conjugacy classes, by Q1, the probability that two randomly chosen elements commute is 5/8.
P1. Let $G$ be a group of size $n$ and let $p$ be a prime number. Assume that $p^{k}$ divides $n$ but $p^{k+1}$ does not divide $n$ for some $k∈\mathbb{N}$. The aim of this exercise is to prove one of Sylow's theorems: $G$ contains a subgroup of size $p^k$.
Let $Ω$ be the set of all subsets of $G$ of size $p^k$ and consider the left action of $G$ on $Ω$ defined by $g·A≔g A=\{g a \mid a∈A\}$ for each $g∈G$ and $A∈Ω$.
(i) Show that $p$ does not divide $|Ω|$.
(ii) Show that there is some orbit $O$ of $G$ on $Ω$ such that $p$ does not divide $|O|$. Let $A∈Ω$ and let $H=\operatorname{Stab}_G(A)$. Prove that $p^k$ divides $|H|$.
(iii) Prove that if $H$ is as in (ii) above then $|H|⩽p^k$ and conclude that $|H|=p^k$.
(i) Define $ν_p(a)≔\max\{v∈\Bbb N:p^v|a\}$ for $a∈\Bbb Z$ and extend it to $\frac ab∈\Bbb Q$ by $ν_p\left(\frac ab\right)≔ν_p(a)-ν_p(b)$. It is easy to see that (1) $ν_p(ab)=ν_p(a)+ν_p(b)$; (2) if $ν_p(a)< ν_p(b)$ then $ν_p(a±b)=ν_p(a)$. Now return to our problem:
For all $i∈\{1,⋯,p^k-1\}$, we have $p^k-i< p^k$, so $ν_p(p^k-i)< k$, but $ν_p(n-p^k)=k$, so apply (2) to get $ν_p(p^k-i)=ν_p\left((p^k-i)+(n-p^k)\right)=ν_p(n-i)$, so $ν_p\left(n-i\over p^k-i\right)=0$, apply (1) to get $ν_p\left(\prod\limits_{i=1}^{p^k-1}\frac{n-i}{p^k-i}\right)=0$, but $ν_p\left(n\over p^k\right)=0$, apply (1) to get $ν_p\left(\prod\limits_{i=0}^{p^k-1}\frac{n-i}{p^k-i}\right)=0$, but $|Ω|=\prod\limits_{i=0}^{p^k-1}\frac{n-i}{p^k-i}$ is an integer, therefore $p\nmid|Ω|$.
(ii) Since the sum of sizes of all orbits is $|Ω|$ which is indivisible by $p$, there must be an orbit $O$ whose size is indivisible by $p$. By Orbit-Stabilizer theorem, $|G|=|O|·|H|$, consequently $|H|$ is divisible by $p^k$.
(iii) By definition of stabilizer, $∀g∈H,gA=A$, so if $a∈A$ then $ga∈A$, so $Ha⊂A$, so $|H|=|Ha|⩽|A|=p^k$. By (ii), $|H|$ is a multiple of $p^k$, we conclude that $|H|=p^k$.
Official Solution
P1. (i) Let $n=p^{k} m$ where $m$ is not divisible by $p$. We have $$ |\Omega|=\left(\begin{array}{c} n \\ p^{k} \end{array}\right)=m \prod_{i=1}^{p^{k}-1} \frac{n-i}{p^{k}-i} $$ We claim that each fraction $\frac{n-i}{p^k-i}\left(1 \leqslant i \leqslant p^k-1\right)$ is equal to a reduced fraction with numerator coprime to $p$. Suppose that $p^{s}$ divides the numerator $n-i=p^{k} m-i$. Since $i< p^{k}$ it follows that $s< m$ and $p^s$ divides $i$. Therefore $p^s$ divides the denominator $p^k-i$. This proves the claim. It follows that $|\Omega|=A / B$ for integers $A, B \in \mathbb{N}$ where $p$ does not divide $A$. From $A=|\Omega| B$ it follows that $p$ does not divide $|\Omega|$.
(ii) Since $p$ does not divide $|\Omega|$ and $\Omega$ is partitioned into the orbits of $G$ it follows that there is some orbit, call it $O$ such that $p$ does not divide $|O|$. Let $H=\operatorname{Stab}_{G}(A)$ for some $A \in O$. By the Orbit-Stabilizer theorem $|G|=|H||O|$. Since $p^{k} /|G|$ and $\gcd(p,|O|)=1$ it follows that $p^{k} /|H|$. In particular $|H| \geqslant p^{k}$.
(iii) By the definition of $H$ and $A$ in (ii) we have $h A=A$ for all $h \in H$. Choose and fix $a \in A$. From $h a \in A$ for all $h \in H$ we obtain $H a \subseteq A$ and in particular $$ p^{k}=|A| \geqslant|H a|=|H| $$ Therefore $|H| \leqslant p^{k}$. From (ii) we have $|H| \geqslant p^{k}$ and hence $|H|=p^{k}$. So $G$ has a subgroup of size $p^{k}$.
Supplement 1
Prove or disprove: If $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$ such that $H$ and $G/H$ are abelian, then $G$ is abelian.
Let $T$ be the group of nonsingular upper triangular 2 × 2 matrices with entries in $\Bbb R$; that is, matrices of the form $\pmatrix{a&b\\0&c}$ where $a,b,c∈\Bbb R$ and $ac≠0$. Let $U$ consist of matrices of the form $\pmatrix{1&x\\0&1}$, where $x∈\Bbb R$.
Claim: $U$ is a subgroup of $T$.
Proof: Taking $x=0$, we see that the identity matrix is in $U$. The inverse of $\pmatrix{1&x\\0&1}$ is $\pmatrix{1&−x\\0&1}$, which is also in $U$. Finally, $\left(\begin{array}{ll}1 & x \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{ll}1 & y \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & x+y \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right)$, which is in $U$. $\Box$
Claim: $U$ is Abelian.
Proof: This follows from the formula for multiplication of elements of $U$ given above, together with the commutativity of addition in $\Bbb R$.
Claim: $U$ is normal in $T$.
Proof: \begin{aligned}\left(\begin{array}{ll}a & b \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{ll}1 & x \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{ll}a & b \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)^{-1} &=\left(\begin{array}{cc}a & a x+b \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 / a & -b /(a c) \\ 0 & 1 / c\end{array}\right) \\ &=\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & a x / c \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right) \end{aligned} Claim: $T/U$ is Abelian.
Proof: Note that $\left(\begin{array}{ll}a & b \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}{ll}a & 0 \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & b / a \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right)$
so every coset in $T/U$ has a representative that is a diagonal matrices. Since diagonal matrices commute with each other, $T/U$ is commutative. Alternatively, note that \begin{aligned}\left(\begin{array}{ll}a & b \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}a^{\prime} & b^{\prime} \\ 0 & c^{\prime}\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{ll}a & b \\ 0 & c\end{array}\right)^{-1}\left(\begin{array}{cc}a^{\prime} & b^{\prime} \\ 0 & c^{\prime}\end{array}\right)^{-1} &=\left(\begin{array}{cc}a a^{\prime} & a b^{\prime}+b c^{\prime} \\ 0 & c c^{\prime}\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 /\left(a a^{\prime}\right) & -\left(b^{\prime} c+b c^{\prime}\right) /\left(a c a^{\prime} c^{\prime}\right) \\ 0 & 1 /\left(c c^{\prime}\right)\end{array}\right) \\ &=\left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & \left(a b^{\prime}-b^{\prime} c\right) /\left(c c^{\prime}\right) \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right) \end{aligned} Since $U$ contains the commutator subgroup of $T$, $T/U$ is abelian.
Supplement 2
Let $G$ and $H$ be groups. Let $N_1⊲G$ and $N_2⊲H$. Then$$(G×H)/(N_1×N_2)≅ G/N_1×H/N_2$$ Proof.
Just apply the first isomorphism theorem to the homomorphism $$(g,h)\in G×H\mapsto (gN_1,hN_2)\in G/N_1×H/N_2.$$