Differential equations 1 paper 2019
- Consider the following integral equation for $y(x)$ :
y(x)=f(x)+∫_a^x K(x, t) y(t) d t \text { for } x ∈[a, b]
where $f(x)$ and $K(x, t)$ are smooth and bounded functions on $[a, b]$.
- Show that the solution of (1) depends continuously on $f$.
[Gronwall's inequality may be used without proof.]
- Hence or otherwise show that the solution is unique.
- Consider now the differential equation system for $y(x)$ :
y''=x^3 y, \\
y(0)=1, y'(0)=0 .
- Show that if $y(x)$ is a solution of (2), then it is also a solution of the integral equation
y(x)=1+∫_0^x(x-t) t^3 y(t) d t
- Show that a solution to (2) will be unique for all $x$.
- Consider the integral equation
y(x)=f(x)+λ ∫_a^b K(x, t) y(t) d t
where $λ$ is a constant, and $f$ and $K$ are given smooth functions satisfying $|f|<M$ on $[a, b]$ and $|K|<L$ on $[a, b] ×[a, b]$.
Observe that the integral limits in (3) are independent of $x$.
- Formulate a sequence of Picard iterations $\left\{y_n(x)\right\}$ for (3).
- Show that
\left|y_n-y_{n-1}\right| ⩽ M_n
where $M_n$ is a bound depending on $λ$ which you should determine.
- Hence give a bound on $|λ|$ for which the sequence $\left\{y_n(x)\right\}$ converges.
- Let $f(x)=x^2, K(x, t)=x^2 t, a=0$ and $b=1$ in (3). Compute explicitly the first 2 Picard iterations, and show that in fact the sequence converges for a larger region of $λ$, which you should determine.
- Consider the following PDE system for $u(x, y)$ :
& (1+u) u_x+y u_y=u, \\
& u(x, 1)=β x, 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 1,
where $β$ is a constant.
- Show that the boundary data is Cauchy data for any value of $β$.
- Write down the differential equations satisfied along characteristics and integrate with appropriate boundary conditions to obtain a parametric solution.
- Find a sufficient and necessary condition on $β$ such that characteristic projections do not intersect.
- Sketch the region (in the x-y plane) where the solution is uniquely defined in the case $β=1$.
- Suppose that $u=u(x, y, z)$ satisfies
with boundary data $u=x$ on the surface $x+y+2 z=1$ for $x ⩾ 1$.
- By adapting the method of characteristics to 3 independent variables, show that the characteristic projections are given by
x(r, s, t)=s+t, y(r, s, t)=t+1-s-2 r, z(r, s, t)=r+t .
- Obtain an explicit solution $u(x, y, z)$.
- What is the domain of definition for the solution?
- Consider the following system for $(x(t), y(t))$ :
& \dot x=x\left(2-\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)-y \\
& \dot y=y\left(2-\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)+x
where overdot denotes derivative with respect to $t$.
- Explain why this is an autonomous system.
- Show that
is a solution trajectory.
- If $r^2=x^2+y^2$, show that $r(t)$ satisfies
\dot r=r(2-r)
- Hence show that $x^2+y^2=4$ is a limit cycle.
- Consider the differential equation system for $u(t), v(t)$ :
\dot u&=v \\
\dot v&=f(u, v)
where $f$ is a given smooth function satisfying $f(a, 0)=0$ for some constant $a$.
- Derive a condition on $f$ for which $(a, 0)$ is:
(I) a stable spiral
(II) a centre
(III) a stable node.
- Suppose that $\frac{∂ f}{∂ u}(a, 0)>0$. Show that $(a, 0)$ is an unstable saddle.
- Consider now the second order differential equation for $y(t)$ :
\ddot y=\left(y^3-1\right) \cos \left(\dot y^2\right)
Find all equilibrium points and classify their stability.
- Parametrise boundary data as $x_0(s)=s,y_0(s)=1,0⩽s⩽1,u_0(s)=βs$.
$(1+u_0)y_0'-y_0x_0'=-1≠0⇒$Cauchy data for any value of $β$ - characteristics satisfy
\dot x&=1+u\\
\dot y&=y\\
\dot u&=u
\end{aligned} \text{with} \begin{aligned}
- characteristics intersect if $J=\begin{vmatrix}x_t&x_s\\y_t&y_s\end{vmatrix}=0⇒(βe^t+1-β)e^t=0⇒e^t={β-1\overβ}$
Thus we need ${β-1\overβ}≤0$ to ensure $J≠0$, which is true for $0≤β≤1$. - $β=1$ characteristics do not intersect, and $u=se^t$ is well-defined for all $s,t$. Thus, the solution is defined in region spanned by the characteristics at $s=0$ and $s=1$.
$s=0$: $x=t,y=e^t⇒x=\ln y$
$s=1$: $x=t+e^t,y=e^t⇒x=y+\ln y$

- parametrised boundary data: $x_0=s,s⩾1,z_0=r,y_0=1-s-2r,u_0=s$
characteristics $\begin{array}l\dot x=1\\\dot y=1\\\dot z=1\\\dot u=u\end{array}⇒\begin{array}lx=t+s\\y=t+1-s-2r\\z=t+r\\u=se^t\end{array}$ - Eliminate $(s,t,r):s=x-t,r=z-t⇒y=t+1-(x-t)-2(z-t)⇒t=\frac14(x+y+2z-1)⇒u(x,y,z)=\left[x-\frac14(x+y+2z-1)\right]\exp\left(\frac14(x+y+2z-1)\right)$
- $u$ has no singularities and the Jacobian$$J=\begin{vmatrix}x_t&x_s&x_r\\y_t&y_s&y_r\\z_t&z_s&z_r\end{vmatrix}=\begin{vmatrix}1&1&0\\1&-1&-2\\1&0&1\end{vmatrix}=-1-3≠0$$Thus the domain of definition is bounded only by the characteristic surface passing through the boundary of data surface $x=1$ on $x+y+2z≥1$.
Set $s=1⇒x=t+1,y=t-2r,z=t+r$ gives $r=z-t⇒y=t-2(z-t)=3t-2z⇒3t=y+2z⇒3t=3x-3=y+2z$
From $s≥1$, the domain of definition is $\{(x,y,z)|3x≥3+y+2z\}$
- Autonomous—no dependence on independent variable $t$ in $\dot x,\dot y$
- Take $\dot xx+\dot yy$, we get$$\frac12\frac d{dt}(x^2+y^2)=\dot xx+\dot yy=(x^2+y^2)\underbrace{(2-\sqrt{x^2+y^2})}_{=0\text{ if }x^2+y^2=4}$$Thus on $x^2+y^2=4$, $\frac d{dt}(x^2+y^2)=0$, so it is a solution trajectory.
- Define $r$ by $r^2=x^2+y^2$, so\[r\dot r=x\dot x+y\dot y=(x^2+y^2)(2-\sqrt{x^2+y^2})=r^2(2-r)⇒\dot r=r(2-r)\]
- Trajectories with $r>2$ has $\dot r<0$ so decrease to $r=2$.
Trajectories with $r<2$ has $\dot r>0$ so increase to $r=2$.
And $r=2$ is a solution trajectory, and is therefore a limit cycle.
- At $\dot u(a, 0)=\dot v(a, 0)=0$, so $(a,0)$ is a critical point.
- Define $𝐮=(u,v)$ and let $𝐮=(a,0)+𝛏(x)$
then $𝛏'(x)=M𝛏+O({|𝛏|}^2)$ with $M=\pmatrix{0&1\\f_u&f_v}\Bigg|_{(a,0)}$
(I) a stable spiral if $f_v<0$ and $f_v^2+4f_u<0$
(II) a centre if $f_v=0$ and $f_u<0$
(III) a stable node if $λ_{1,2}<0,λ_{1,2}∈ℝ$, so $f_v<0,f_u<0$ and $f_v^2+4f_u>0$ - $λ_1λ_2=-f_u<0$, ∴point is a saddle.
- Let $u=y,v=\dot y$, we can use previous formulation.
$f(a,0)=0$ only at $a=1$. We have $f_u(1,0)=3>0$. By part ii) saddle.